Neo-Nazi Telegram Users Panic Amid Crackdown and Arrest of Alleged Leaders of Online Extremist Group.


  1. United-Rock-6764 on

    This is 1000% what I was hoping for when France arrested the CEO. What I’m really, really hoping is they have real dirt on the Thomases and Alitos from this.

  2. This is exactly why France arrested the CEO.
    You can’t have people on your website posting in plain text about terrorist shit and just refuse to help the police when they get a search warrant.

    **All of that bullshit about backdoors and cracked encryption was bullshit.**
    Hell, the police were already in the Nazi group chats, they just needed to know the IP address of “Im-a-child-raping-Nazi” so that they could link his terrorist statements to him when they arrest his Nazi-ass. This is police 101.

    If people were posting the same kind of vile shit to private reddit threads as they were posting to Telegram groups, no one would be upset if Reddit cooperated with a legal court order to unmask the fucking Nazis making terrorist threats.

  3. Those drug dealers and people flipping guns on telegram are going to be so mad when they come for them next

  4. Very interested to see the actual numbers here.

    I bet people are going to be surprised how low it is comparatively to how much psychic real estate they take up.