Trump Absolutely Humiliated After Claims That He Graduated ‘First in His Class’ Are Shot Down by His OWN SCHOOL


  1. WhipplySnidelash on

    The fact that this matters to him at all is a sign of poor mental health. 

    His base doesn’t see that though for one reason or another. 

  2. And yet he has managed to bankrupt 6 businesses.. maybe we should go back and his professors , ya know like when he went to the McDonald’s Vp Harris worked at..

  3. Humiliation requires a level of self-awareness and introspection that Trump has never been able to muster.

  4. Several_Leather_9500 on

    “Trump is the dumbest goddamn student I ever had,” his Wharton professor said a number of times.

  5. It’s fucking crazy how much he lies about stuff that is so easily disproven. Like, did he not think that they kept records of that sort of thing?

  6. The racist, incel, bigoted, and misogynist minions will still support their MAGA Jesus, no matter the criticism.

  7. I think the man is so sick he actually believes this own bullshit, in whatever is left of his mind this is not lying

  8. No-Procedure6334 on

    I think he did not complete courses and curriculum to satisfy degree requirement.
    Inc is not incorporated it is incomplete!

  9. He can join the other liars like joe biden and Mc D’s Harris.
    Johnny Carson did a comedy bit on national tv detailing Bidens school and education lies.
    Youtube is your friend!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    I Double Dare ya!!

  10. AlexanderTheGrater1 on

    His sister did his homework (her own words) and another dude showed up for his exam. Trump finished bottom half of his class despite cheating.

  11. MayIServeYouWell on

    This is not new. He’s been saying this for years, and it’s been debunked for years as well.

  12. He didn’t go to Wharton MBA. He got the regular undergraduate business degree. He always lies to make it seem like he has a Wharton MBA degree.
    He never mentions he was a transfer into Penn undergraduate from Fordham University. So he has only two years at Penn as an undergraduate, yet he makes it seems like he was connected to Wharton elite. He was never in a graduate MBA program anywhere. His daddy supposedly paid or donated to Penn to get in.