1. ZebraSandwich4Lyf on

    “How do we get people to stop using ad blockers and entice them to buy premium?”

    ***Increase the price***

  2. You know I pay for YouTube premium and I’ve been thinking of unsubscrig. Not because of the price but because of it’s algorithm. It only suggests BS I was like 12€, meh I can do it. Anything more and this becomes questionable.

  3. ThatGuyFromTheM0vie on

    Why is YouTube Premium not included with YouTube TV? Their main marketing point is always: “YouTube TV comes with YouTube Music!”, and no one gives a flying fuck about YT Music.

  4. FantasticlyMediocre on

    Paying for premium doesn’t remove in-video sponsorship message. Imagine paying that much and still getting ads.

  5. I hate paying for YT premium. I barely use any of the features, like YT Music. I’m essentially paying €15 to be able to play videos in the background on my phone – something you can do for free with literally any other video streaming service or website.

  6. I never notice when they raise the price, but then again that could be because I never subscribed in the first place

  7. Cant pay right now since I put all my subscription money as a donation to uBlock… all tapped out.

    Sorry Google.

  8. Ok-Seaworthiness7207 on

    They can’t even get me to buy it at the price it’s already at in the US.

    Did they consult the CEO of Boeing or something?

  9. I’d not mind paying if youtube actually respected its userbase. But instead it tries to annoy peoples into paying an ever higher subscription fee.

  10. i think when mkbhd launched his wallpaper app with a 50$ subscription tier, random joe mba at youtube said, ok if he can get away whith this, we sure are able too …