Fukuyama: Russians are not feeling enough pain and suffering to agree to a ceasefire


Posted by EuropeanPravdaUA


  1. There is no way the US is going to agree to long range strikes before the election. That might make some people salty here, but I can see why the Biden admin would do this.

    Long range strikes happen before the election, Russia does something like shoot down a US satellite, and Trump can go on and on about WW3 and blah blah blah. If people are scared enough, it could possibly swing the election in his favor.

    Priority number one for the democrats is to not lose the election. Them winning is crucial for Ukraine. Not only for Ukraine, but the US credibility is on the line here worldwide. I don’t think we make it out of another 4 years of Trump unscathed.

    Also, Russia does have a lot of tricks up it’s sleeve. It can make the middle east very messy for US and allies. [There are already reports of Russia in talks with the Houthis to give them anti ship missiles. ](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iran-brokering-talks-send-advanced-russian-missiles-yemens-houthis-sources-say-2024-09-24/)This can cause huge headaches for US, UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia. It looks like Putin hasn’t agreed to send them yet, but the ME is definitely a chink in the US armor that Russia can exploit in many ways.

    I honestly don’t think the US will ever allow deep strikes in Russian territory, Russia just has too many non nuclear buttons it can press to annoy the hell out of the US military.

    Also, as far as sentiment in the US goes, the war in Ukraine happened at a very bad time. We had just gotten our president to FINALLY pull us out of Afghanistan, and all of us thought yay, we won’t be involved in any more wars on the other side of the world!

    Even though Ukraine is a righteous cause and I fully support the help we send and more, it still does feel like here we go again. Another stalemate war where we support one side, pour resources in, and nothing really changes ( I put a lot of that blame on the US government for not being decisive and choosing to slow bleed Russia instead of a quick Ukrainian victory).

    This should be a lesson for American politicians, don’t go getting us into bullshit wars we have no business being in because there might come a time when you actually need public support, and you won’t get it if you’ve already used up all your good will.

    If Iraq never happened and Afghanistan was handled differently, Ukraine would have a lot more public support. Trust in our politicians would still be there.