Donald Trump Tells Women They Won’t Be Worrying Their Pretty Little Heads About Abortion When He’s President


  1. harleybarley1013 on

    >“You’re not going to be in danger any longer. You will no longer have anxiety from all of the problems our country has today. You will be protected and I will be your protector. Women will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion.”

    What in the misogynistic hell is this? I know we hear this a thousand times a day, but it bears repeating: fuck this guy.

  2. Along with Moreno in Ohio saying that women over 50 shouldn’t care about abortion is also pretty stupid as if those women don’t have daughters and granddaughters to worry about.

  3. Ah, thank you Trump for solving the abortion debate.

    If we just “don’t worry” about it, the problem will fix itself!

  4. Conscious-Quarter423 on

    An adjuducated rapist who had several affairs while married says women will be protected when he’s president.

  5. Don’t worry about abortion, says the guy who is on record as raping his first wife, being pals with a convicted pedophile and allegedly raping a teenager he supplied, walking in on teenagers in various states of undress at beauty pageants and modeling shows and bragging about it, saying he had “sex” in common with his own daughter, cheating on all his wives, including at least twice with his current one, etc., etc.

  6. GlumEngineering9465 on

    He is misunderstood. Nothing to see here. Everything is fine.

    – Religious Right-Wing leadership

  7. WaterLittle2495 on

    Trump, you should really worry your pretty little head about losing, when you say dumb shit like this. Insulting women, who make up half of the population, who will be voting, is not a smart idea. I see that you you learned absolutely nothing from your friend Sarah Huckabee Sanders recent comments about women.

  8. OK, I get the highlight is the abortion thing. But how is him actively talking about destroying the federal education system not like… being screamed everywhere at all times 24 hours a day 7 days a week? It’s in this article. He is just… openly saying he will get rid of the Department of Education.

    I feel like there’s no way people are down for that right?

  9. “Let’s go back another 300 years,” said Trump. “We are going to liberate our country!”

    Yes, he actually said this.

  10. The words he says just bring so much disgust out of me. I can’t even believe this is even a somewhat close election.

  11. They won’t have to worry about it because he will sign into law a nationwide ban on abortion. He can get fucked. I don’t know how any woman can vote for him.

  12. My skin crawls every time I see him. I don’t want to be protected by a pussy grabbing rapist. I want to be protected from him.

  13. INFO: Has anyone tested the water at Mar-A-Lago recently for heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium and such?

  14. Apprehensive-Mouse53 on

    It’s fucking disgusting. He’s disgusting. And, I get frustrated. Frustrated by the fact that, while he’s slipping on the womens polls, that there are women who will still vote for him.

    I’m flabbergasted. I don’t know what to say. As a man, I don’t understand how I am fighting for womens rights harder than some women are. That they can go on TV and not only NOT blast him. But praise him.

    The way I see it? If you love a woman, whether you’re a man or woman? You fight for her. You see her as equal. There is no you and me. There is only US.

    And if you are a woman? You should be terrified of this man and his regime. Because it only starts with abortion.

    An attack on womens rights is an attack on all of us.

  15. This shit should be the lead story on every news outlet today. He’s absolutely delusional, demented, sick. How could anyone believe that returning the issue of reproductive freedom to the states was ever a good idea? Women are dying because of this insanity. He knows now that he fucked up by appointing those right wing extremists to the court, but all he can do is double down on the consequences. Protector of women? More like executioner by proxy.

  16. Traditional-Yam9826 on

    Well when he’s President women won’t have to worry about much because they won’t have a choice in pretty much anything

  17. Sensitive-Option-701 on

    Meanwhile, Moreno tells women over 50 that they don’t need to worry their no-longer-quite-so-pretty little heads about abortion.

    That’s a bold strategy, Moreno. Let’s see if it pays off for you.

  18. Isn’t this the same way pimps get a hold of girls and women? Make them dependant and promise them they’ll be safe under their protection?