Tesla Full Self-Driving ‘Occasionally Dangerously Inept’ In 1,000-Mile Independent Test



  1. Tesla and its outspoken CEO have long promised self-driving cars, but we’re still not there yet. Despite the two available advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) being called Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (Supervised), they still aren’t classified as Level 3 systems on SAE’s levels of driving autonomy chart, meaning the driver still has to be attentive and ready to take over control at any time.

    While the so-called FSD can run flawlessly for the majority of situations, as attested by multiple testing videos, it can sometimes hit the mark, and it’s these occasional hiccups that can become dangerous.

    That’s what AMCI Testing, an independent research firm, concluded after testing Tesla’s FSD on over 1,000 miles of city streets, rural two-lane highways, mountain roads and highways. The company used a 2024 Tesla Model 3 Performance fitted with the automaker’s latest hardware and running the latest software iterations, 12.5.1 and 12.5.3.

  2. The only way this ever happens is if every car could communicate in real time with all cars within a half mile radius, which is not possible yet or in the near future.

  3. That shitty site also split their review into multiple 90 seconds videos so they can go fuck themselves. All of the “integrity” in the world in your testing doesn’t mean shit when you’re giving me a terrible UX in order to game the YouTube algo. Fuck them.