1. Environmental-Arm365 on

    If Fox is calling Cheetolini out for ducking a debate you know he’s a scaredy ass little bitch.

  2. OnBorrowedTimes on

    She’s got 787 million good reasons to avoid giving any legitimacy to the Trump Ball-Licker Network.

  3. He has said a couple of times he won’t do it. Is that really a shocker?

    Edit: what’s with the downvotes? Is maga really that thin skinned that a person can’t call their cult leader out with facts? Drink some more kool-aid bitches!

  4. Hate rage grandpa fears the democratic candidate.

    Too busy selling gold sneakers and NFT cartoons of himself it seems.

  5. That’s a no brainer. VP Harris would mop the floor with him again. I want to see him implode in public and have to be carried off in a straight jacket and ball gag.

  6. Notapplesauce11 on

    Fox needs all the viewed and ratings they can get after that lawsuit they settled.

    They probably pissed they are missing out on a big event

  7. When the American people see Trump and Harris side-by-side, the choice is clear.

    Trump’s strategy is to keep the American people from seeing Harris at all. His plan is to suck up all the oxygen in the room to depress likely Democratic turnout. All of his antics are to take attention away from Harris. He understands that there is no such thing as bad press.

  8. After his debacle in the last debate, I can’t say I’m exactly surprised he doesn’t want another one. He already made a laughing stock of himself to a degree where even Fox Entertainment Channel couldn’t defend him afterwards

  9. I really don’t want to see a debate on a station that was successfully sued for close to $1 billion for their lies about the previous election and has pending litigation for another billion. The fox entertainment channel doesn’t deserve any serious consideration.

  10. I still think people like Baier absolutely hate Trump and would roast him if the powers that be at Fox would let him.

  11. Fox is not a news station, it is an entertainment network. A debate on Fox, would be no different than a debate on Cartoon Network or Disney. They shouldn’t get to hold a debate unless they agree to the basic standards of news networks like NBC, ABC and CBS.

  12. She needs to advertise on Fox that she has accepted a debate on Fox and viewers should message the Trump campaign asking why he is afraid to accept. Run it only on Fox, X, and any other right wing network.

  13. No-Personality5421 on

    I can see it now “I HATE FOX *NEWS*” in a late night, drug fueled (whatever a tweet is on un*truth* “social”).

  14. Trump been saying “no more debates” since he oozed into the spin room. Doesn’t matter who might host. This is just Fox trying to sound like an actual new station.

  15. Superb_Health9413 on

    “They’re eating the dogs” is going to be his erudite legacy. There’s no way he will expose himself to another trouncing.

  16. In other news: *spineless coward, convicted felon, certified rapist is, in fact, a complete spineless coward.*

  17. JustForTheHalibut7 on

    Trump knows on SOME level that he got his clock cleaned against Harris, and won’t do another one. He’s easily manipulated by people pushing his buttons and she’s a former prosecutor who knows how to do that.

  18. Shaqtothefuture on

    Fox probably doesn’t want to host the debate because they know that the legitimacy of the 2020 election will be brought up by one of the 2 candidates. And Fox LEGALLY has to say that Joe Biden legitimately won in 2020 per, Dominion suing their candy asses for $700 MILLION dollars with an open and shut case (tons of FOX internal emails saying they knew “the election was legit but it makes great ratings to tell the American people it was rigged and baby Rump Rump won”) (paraphrased)

  19. Rockatansky-clone on

    Yes, he’s scared, he’s finally being called out of his bubble of misinformation. That’s gotta be overwhelming for him for people actually tell him the truth. Besides, he doesn’t stay on topic he rants about the same old thing everywhere he goes, boring and just hateful lies.