The answer to the question, ‘Does Trump pray?’

Posted by janjinx


  1. wabashcanonball on

    Tariffs invite retaliation and U.S. farmers suffered last time around. In the meantime, consumers paid more. In fact, Trump’s tariffs, budget deficits, and tax-cuts to Billionaires fueled the most recent economic cycle that we’ve finally emerged from while keeping unemployment rates historically low. Do we really want to let trip reignite the inflationary fire?

  2. We have to remember that people who understand tariffs aren’t the majority of his voting base.

  3. MessagingMatters on

    A tariff is a heft sales tax on Americans, with the brunt affecting those most who can afford it the least.

  4. Tarrif God ” My dear boy , Tarrif is something beyond your comprehension. You should stick with cats and dogs”

  5. More like: Dear Satan, please strike dead anyone who doesn’t say, “Sir, your tariffs are genius.”

  6. It’s like a kid repeating a bad word they don’t know the meaning of to sound cool.

    He learned that you can tariff stuff and is just using it wherever he thinks it works.

  7. SilentReflection101 on

    My uncles and cousins on my dad’s side are all farmers. They all suffered. They’re all still voting for Drumf.

  8. Skreeethemindthief on

    Why won’t the media press him with questions like this? Make him give an actual answer.

  9. Attended The Wharton School…does not know who pays for tariffs. Do we blame the school…or the man…?

  10. Easy, Tariffs are free money given to us by China with absolutely no downside. Its so much money in fact that no other issue matters. China is going to give us Trillions of dollars and make everyone a millionaire.

    The only reason we havent done it yet is because our economists dont have a smart uncle like Trump does.

  11. HaroldsWristwatch3 on

    It doesn’t matter if he knows. We know his base does NOT.

    It reminds me of Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark.” Alymer was a failed scientist – zero accomplishments, but still carried on as successful.

    When Georgiana, even after realizing he was a fraud and a failure, allowed him to operate anyway, she died.

    This is what will ultimately happen to our economy if he is allowed to touch it again. He is a failure and always will be proven as such by his own resume of failed endeavors.

  12. Really fucking wish some one would ask him how tariffs work whenever he mentions them, drives me insane.

  13. Sure_Garbage_2119 on

    no need. his staff finaly did find a way to have him deal with “normie” questions:

    just say “no one is better for (insert topic) than me. i´ll fix (insert topic)”.