BBC told director of Nova massacre film to not describe Hamas as terrorists


  1. Someone needs to remind the BBC Hamas is literally an internationally recognized terrorist organization. There’s no journalistic integrity left in this world.

  2. Unusual_Implement_87 on

    It’s actually good to not call them terrorists but instead the legitimate rulers of Gaza. That way people can’t deflect any criticism by holding Israel to a higher standard that poor uneducated “terrorists” who don’t know any better.

    If they are referred as being legitimate then people can’t downplay their war crimes.

  3. The CBC here in Canada doesn’t call them terrorists even though the Canadian government labels them a terrorist organization. I guess CBC and BBC have the same rot infecting them

  4. Rude_Worldliness_423 on

    Wtf is this. Along with Kay Burley saying a ‘Hamas are terrorists’ hoodie is ‘incitement’!

  5. What’s the BBC? Didn’t that used to be a British news organization? It’s a real pity it turned into a propaganda machine for snowflakes and terrorists.

  6. I really don’t understand, why is the BBC doing this and what do they have to gain from it?  Even the most pro-Palestinian random college protester knows that Hamas is pure evil

  7. Call them whatever you want – they attacked and intentionally killed civilians and soldiers alike – so now they get to find out what happens when you attack a superior force.

  8. BathFullOfDucks on

    The BBC has a statutory duty to be impartial and can be fined for not doing so, however no court in the land is going to enforce that in this instance. I guarantee this is some management idiot at the BBC who knows about the statutory duty, is too stupid to consider it intelligently and had to get their 2 pence in at some meeting.