Russian state TV says Poland is next


  1. whitemuhammad7991 on

    They were repulsed in 2022 by a country which on paper had a far weaker army. I’d honestly love to see NATO completely crush them if they were stupid enough to do this.

  2. Why the f you all keep posting this obvious Russian propaganda. They keep telling they’ll attack everyone next, while in reality they’re barely keeping up with their current invasion attempt.

    Don’t fall into their weird scare tactics. 

  3. We all saw russian nuke explode in launcher endemic corruption= shit military equipment good on paper only these dubass oligarchs probably build it from wood to stole more state money 😂

  4. Ritari_Assa-arpa on

    They are delusional, at this point its clear this is just pure coping, pure propaganda to Russian citizens.

  5. Aggravating_Loss_765 on

    They were not able conquer ua which had poor soviet era army itinerary and wanna attack Poland with state of art equipment? Good luck 🙂

  6. First of all, as a Polish person, they can go fuck themselves.
    Second, we all know it’s for their local audience as posturing, not for us.
    Third, look at first.

  7. Successful_Leave_470 on

    It’s fascinating how they really think the French and Germans are obsessed with past losses. They really do not understand how western democracies are, by nature, forward looking do they?

  8. Totally delusional the lot of them. Like many influencers, I feel they’re full of their own self-importance whilst lining their pockets as lackeys of the State.

  9. TelevisionUnusual372 on

    I can’t believe bozos like Mearshiemer claim there’s “zero evidence” Russia has territorial aspirations beyond Ukraine. They’re literally spelling it out, plain as day, for all the world to see.

  10. I really wish Russia would just declare war and end it. They are letting those nazi filth away with too much

    It’s insanity when you think about it, Ukraine is going full force with their defence budget at over ¼ of GDP and over 100% of tax revenue with constant mobilisations and over $270 billion in aid pledged to Ukraine with around ⅔ received, they are in full war economy with all their military assets in use. Meanwhile Ukraine has pushed into russian territory, struck russian ammo depots and killing Russian civilians yet Russia refuses to mobilise more of their reserves, its shocking incompetence they have a massive militarybut refuse to use it meanwhile their people are dying, yes mass mobilisation will hurt the Russian economy but they can’t keep pretending its a small military operation anymore.

    Based on what Russia and Ukraine says, based on how many soldiers they have in Ukraine, based on how much equipment they have and based on how many men it takes to operate X or Y equipment, Russia mobilised around ~900,000 soldiers max total in Ukraine from with around ~700,000 fighting in 2024 if we account for losses we can estimate russian forces in Ukraine are around ~2000 Tanks, 3000 IFVs, ~4000 APCs, ~1500 SPAGs, 2000 artillery guns, ~800 Rocket Systems, ~800 Anti Tank Systems, ~800 AA guns and ~1000 SAM Launchers.

    In functional equipment alone that means they have around ~7000 Tanks, ~8000 IFVs, ~18000 APCs, ~1000 SPAs, ~6000 artillery guns, ~10000 AA guns, ~500 Rocket Systems, ~4000 SAM Launchers and thousands of Logistical, EW and C2 equipment along with ~2 million reservists all kept in operational status behind the lines and that’s not including stuff kept in permanent storage left over from USSR. They have an air force with ~2000 fighter jets, ~2000 CAS Aircraft, ~500 EW Aircraft, ~20 AEW&C Aircraft, ~200 ASW Aircraft, ~200 Recon Aircraft, ~100 AGS Aircraft, ~100 command aircraft, ~170 bombers, ~500 Helicopters, ~500 Transports, ~300 UCAVs and around ~400 UAVs yet based on information from ISW, IISS and CFSI and only utilise around ~400 fighters, ~100 Special Type Aircraft, ~80 Bombers, ~600 Helicopters, ~300 Transports, ~500 Attack Aircraft and ~130 Drones, and same with their navy their black sea fleet has over ~40 major Warships yet half of it is kept in ports. Ukraine on the other hand if we account for their total reserve mobilisation and constant drafts they had around at max around 1.4 million fighting so around 900,000 tops all together fighting in 2024 if we account for losses and is utilising every single bit of their military equipment.

    The problem is costs, Russia’s defence budget isn’t enough to operate all their equipment or to pay all the soldiers for active duty a crazy comparison is that UK defence budget is nearly ⅔ of the Russian Military budget even if you account for purchasing power and lower costs its crazy low, Just think Russia is in a major war against a country that on paper in 2021 had the 6th most powerful land force on earth and that’s not including the ~$150 billion in NATO military supplies and logistical costs, yet russia’s defence budget has only been on average ~4% of GDP Nominal and ~12% of tax revenue per year, for comparison US defence spending in Vietnam was on average ~10% of GDP Nominal per year and ~40% of tax revenue and that’s not even including Australia, Philippines and South Korea that helped OR the £26 billion in aid per year that went to the ARVN or in other words an additional ~2% of GDP and ~15% of tax revenue. For forces used in Vietnam ~¾ of their air force, ~⅔ of their navy and ~⅓ of their land force along with the majority of their soldiers were all in Vietnam as well as the fact they had mandatory conscription of ordinary citizens whilst Russia has only had one mobilisation of its reserves.

    Another comparison was US defence budget, when it fought Iraq in 1991, was ~6% of GDP Nominal and ~33% of tax revenue and that’s ignoring how Iraq was an obsolete military that was already crippled during iran war and the help the US had (⅓ of the military power and ½ of the logistics was other countries) it just shows how Russia doesn’t even use half of its potential which now after Ukraines push into kursk is just becoming incompetence.

    A more accurate comparison, as it’s the last time the US fought a near peer opponent with a half modern military, would be the Korean war in which the defence budget was on average per year ~13% of GDP Nominal and a whopping ~80% of tax revenue. Again the problem is costs. Even if we account for purchasing power it’s still crazy low although the biggest issue is lack of Manpower. It’s just amusing when fools say stuff like “Russia is trying its hardest” like Russia hasn’t even declared war

    and when you actually look at the numbers you realise how foolish that statement is. The reason why Russia doesn’t want to declare war and mass mobilise is three fold.

    1: Mobilisation. Plucking ~1m people from the job sector would do incredible damage to the economy because it takes people out of work not only reducing effective output but can cause many small businesses to go bust.

    2: Increased defence spending. You have the Manpower but now you need the extra money to utilise it. Let’s say ~$200 billion or ~10% of GDP or ~30% of tax revenue. You can’t just create your money, you still need to pay for other services the same so the borrowing and deficit would have to increase which harms the economy in the long run.

    3: Increased military production. To keep the supplies flowing you need to pump up military production of armaments, Munitions and equipment which requires workers pulled from other industries which again damages economic output.

    This is why Russia doesn’t want to declare war, their economy is doing well, inflation is iffy and the cost of living is stable. Doing these things would secure fast victory but you have to remember, none of this happens in a vacuum. These things take weeks to prepare and months to execute and Ukraine would notice and probably start doing the same (although they are at max capacity just now they could have another mass Mobilisation but instead of reserves just civilians. But the point is anyone who thinks Russia is trying as hard as they can has absolutely no clue what they’re talking about.