Trump’s Hateful New Rants at Rally Are Harshly Debunked by Town Leader


  1. There are significant labour shortages in the sectors these migrants are working in.

    But facts clearly do not matter to anyone still supporting Trump in 2024. It’s all about hate at this point.

  2. Wonderful-Variation on

    It’s genuinely terrifying how quickly this completely normal town got turned into a warzone just because Trump and Vance took an interest in it.

  3. >You live in a small town your whole life. You pay your taxes. You really are exemplary. You pay everything. You do everything. You love your town. You love your country. You know the town so well. By name. You’re just so proud of it…

    I don’t know about doing everything and paying everything, but I do know my town’s name. This senile old man is talking about me!

  4. If the former presidents rhetoric around Springfield and Charleroi doesn’t make you deeply uncomfortable (at bare minimum), you’re either detached from reality or terrifyingly xenophobic. There are no mental gymnastics that can obfuscate the danger and nakedly unpatriotic sentiments being espoused against an extremely vulnerable group, who were extended the opportunity to join the fabric of this country, and by all metrics has excelled in making that fabric stronger and more vibrant.

    There have been multiple instances in which a trump supporter would be exposed to a trump act or word that should break the spell, but honestly if you’re still a supporter at this point I cannot help but assume the absolute worst of your character.

  5. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 93%. (I’m a bot)
    > At a rally near Pittsburgh on Monday, Trump unleashed a volley of new attacks on Haitian arrivals to Charleroi, and used them to launch a broader argument about Pennsylvania, insisting that its towns and villages have been "Inundated.”

    > "Not far from here, the 4,000-person town of Charleroi has seen a 2,000 percent increase in the population," Trump seethed at the rally, which was held in Indiana, Pennsylvania.

    > In a striking back-and-forth interaction with them, Trump asked: "Has your beautiful town changed?".

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694333 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **Manning**^#2 **town**^#3 **Charleroi**^#4 **immigrant**^#5

  6. “There’s what the former president is saying,” the borough’s manager told TNR, “and then there’s easily observable reality.”

  7. ~~Section 2917.32 | Making false alarms.~~

    ~~(A) No person shall do any of the following:~~

    ~~(1) Initiate or circulate a report or warning of an alleged or impending fire, explosion, crime, or other catastrophe, knowing that the report or warning is false and likely to cause public inconvenience or alarm;~~

    ~~(2) Knowingly cause a false alarm of fire or other emergency to be transmitted to or within any organization, public or private, for dealing with emergencies involving a risk of physical harm to persons or property;~~

    ~~(3) Report to any law enforcement agency an alleged offense or other incident within its concern, knowing that such offense did not occur;~~

    ~~(4) Initiate or circulate a report or warning of an alleged or impending fire, explosion, crime, or other catastrophe, knowing that the report or warning is false and likely to impede the operation of a critical infrastructure facility.~~

    ~~(B) This section does not apply to any person conducting an authorized fire or emergency drill.~~

    ~~(C)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of making false alarms.~~

    ~~(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(3), (4), (5), or (6) of this section, making false alarms is a misdemeanor of the first degree.~~

    ~~(3) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(4) of this section, if a violation of this section results in economic harm of one thousand dollars or more but less than seven thousand five hundred dollars, making false alarms is a felony of the fifth degree.~~

    ~~(4) If a violation of this section pertains to a purported, threatened, or actual use of a weapon of mass destruction, making false alarms is a felony of the third degree.~~

    ~~(5) If a violation of this section results in economic harm of seven thousand five hundred dollars or more but less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars and if division (C)(4) of this section does not apply, making false alarms is a felony of the fourth degree.~~

    ~~(6) If a violation of this section results in economic harm of one hundred fifty thousand dollars or more, making false alarms is a felony of the third degree.~~


    I done goofed. Wrong state!

  8. How wonderful? Donald thinks 800 is 2000 percent of 4000. This is the man who lead the greatest economy in the world. Just shows that he and JD really went to Trump University. In case you are wondering JD thought 2.99 for eggs was actually 4.00🤡

  9. Trump supporters already forgot what happened in Florida when they got all the immigrants to leave and the state floundered and begged for them to come back.

  10. Facts don’t matter to the MAGA crowd. They can have every fact in the world, but none of them will matter.

  11. ColorMeSchocked on

    His hate just moves from people of different colors- Mexicans, Haitians- but still loves dem white rednecks.

  12. Good lord. They really don’t give a shit. I look forward to the day when his name and photo are not in the media anymore.

  13. Ohio is a state that is likely a given. Or at least was; and his campaign definitely needs it. Their campaign doubling and tripling down on this issue is only hurting them.

    I’m not far from Springfield and people are pissed at the chaos it’s caused the area.

  14. I’m all for free speech. But lies, deceptions and misinformation should not constitute free speech whatsoever.

    His rhetoric is inciting violence once again. Nazis and Fascism should be outlawed in this and every country. There is no need for this amount of hatred towards our fellow humans.

  15. Tiny_Independent2552 on

    Any marginal group could be their next. This is not American. Stop the madness. Make America sane again.

  16. Everyone has thus far outsmarted Trump by his own admission. Biden, Harris, Dems, our judicial system, the deep state. You name it, it has beaten him. Now Haitian immigrants are outsmarting him. Making up bold face lies he believes that are easily debunked. Clever bastards or idiot on the mic? You decide.

  17. Can’t wait till this idiot is fired, again. Once this happens the RNC will be rid of him. He will have a fire sale to pay his debts and then an ankle monitor to pay his debt to society. Hey! I can dream can’t I ?!

  18. Y’know, I doubt it would, but it’d be pretty funny if this backfired so much that Trump lost Ohio…

  19. A geriatric man shouting lies inspired by neo-nazi talking points, and they want him to be president again. This is the modern RNC. People are voting for this. America has some very serious social problems and difficult times in the years ahead if we can’t figure out how to solve this.