What’s the deal with people taking shopping trolleys out of shopping centres, pushing them all the way home and then abandoning them on the footpath? Is it just me who gets frustrated by this ? Why do shopping centres let it happen ? I’m sure there are plenty of easy ways to stop this from happening. I know you can report online etc but this doesn’t solve the problem.

Posted by keyeat


  1. Oh it just be infuriating. Looks bad for the area. Costs to get someone to drive around and pick them up. Inevitably the stores lose trolleys/ money and need to replace them.

    Some shopping centres have a ‘smart’ feature that locks up the wheels as soon as it detects you’ve left the centre.

    I’ve got caught up at Bondi Junction Westfields, trying to cross the road to the other side of the mall (Oxford St, the mall occupies both sides). Wheels locked up put the front so I had to walk back in and take the bridge.

  2. Some supermarkets/shopping centres have a sort of geofencing where the wheels automatically lock if the trolley is beyond the premises. Not sure why it isn’t more ubiquitous.

  3. I saw this heaps around Ryde before I moved out. I used to put the trolleys in the middle of the driveways. It had some effect.