MKBHD is committed to fixing his wallpaper app, but not its $50 price tag


  1. TL;DR :-

    – MKBHD has launched a wallpaper app on iOS and Android with a premium plan that costs $12/month or $50/year.

    – Users have complained about the app’s performance, pricing, and permissions.

    – MKBHD has promised to improve the app but will likely not drop its price.

  2. The price tag is so tone-deaf. Seems like he’s living the good life for too long to understand how ridiculous that subscription price is for a fucking wallpaper.

  3. I really can’t decide what makes me more angry. Is it that people like him live so well because people are daft enough to pay $50 for a wallpaper app, or is it the people that are dumb enough to pay $50 for *a wallpaper app*?

  4. $12/month for tiny mobile phone wallpapers is the worst value proposition for a subscription I’ve seen in years. That’s around the netflix/other streaming service/gamepass/spotify/youtube music range… for tiny phone wallpapers.

    Microsoft’s launcher offers free random wallpapers, by the by.

  5. If you’re crazy enough to pay a subscription for wallpaper then it’s on you I say. And yes I think that’s crazy. Maybe $1/month if it was actively being updated and you liked it.

    The difference between $144/year and $50/year is pretty large. Seems a bit like a cash grab for the monthly fee since people might buy once for a month and then quit. But if they kinda like it $50 to get on the yearly plan easier. I mean no one would be paying $12/month for very long.

    If you don’t like it, don’t buy it?

  6. The issue is that he could make it 100$ a year, fans will still buy it up and people like him will see it as a success. And even worse, they realise that a gullible audience can be milked over and over. Look at Grifter Beast and his scammer buddy Logan Paul.

  7. I wonder what percentage of those subscribers are grown ass adults vs 14 year olds spending their parents money.

  8. Ah, performance issues on a wallpaper app. The pricing wasn’t thought through and was the app even tested!! His tweet says part of building in public is getting feedback.

    Not everything needs to be acted upon feedback- some things are common sense.

  9. EnoughDatabase5382 on

    iOS and Android come with a ton of wallpapers right out of the box. So, what’s the special appeal of this wallpaper app?

  10. OccasinalMovieGuy on

    Most people even don’t look at wallpaper, it’s all covered by app icons and your mobile constantly wants to turn off screen to save power.

  11. Usually have 2 wallpapers a year here 😂.

    Paying this much for one seems insanity to me.

    I hope people show him this is tone deaf.

  12. I’ve had the same wallpaper for at least 7-8 years now.
    Don’t ask me why, I don’t even really remember why I got it in the first place, some inside joke with a friend.
    Why pay 50$ for that loool

  13. Is it 2009?

    Why does MKBHD think wallpapers of all things are the subscription service everyone is shouting out for?

    I can literally get any wallpaper I could possibly desire, easily, for free, at any time. My current wallpaper is a family photo. My lockscreen a drawing my kid made.

    But if I wanted something colourful and abstract… that’s out there too.

    Google “colourful abstract 4k wallpaper phone” and you get hundreds.

    phone wallpaper is the least restricted of any supply. Ever. I cannot think of a single thing that people would maybe want that would require a subscription less.

    All I can think is that he’s hoping fans just have money they want to give to him and this is something they can give it to him for.

    I don’t get it.

  14. In my country Xbox game pass for PC costs exactly $10/month, so the wallpaper app needs to bring better value

  15. ChrisChrisBangBang on

    I don’t know much about this but from watching his videos I’m really surprised someone this deep into the tech industry would put their name on such a low value piece of content, phone wallpapers are a frivolous, largely useless thing, anyone can save any image ever put on the internet & use it as a wallpaper, the idea that there’s value in a pay monthly wallpaper app is insane, I would have thought he’d know better.

    This is all aside from the pricing, data monitoring or subjective quality of the app/wallpapers themselves, it’s just a dumb idea.

  16. AmusedFlamingo47 on

    It’s so funny that someone that cultivates this image of unbiased and consumer-aware critic would try this shit on consumersÂ