Listen to her scripted robotic responses


  1. PM_ME_UR_A4_PAPER on

    > Listen to her scripted robotic responses

    If I was a CEO being yelled at by some fruit loop, you bet I’m not engaging beyond the bare minimum scripted robotic responses.

  2. RudeOrganization550 on

    I don’t know how that person is but not all superhero’s wear capes!!! You rock 🤜🤛. Thank you for speaking up, confronting the waffle and slogans and calling BS.

  3. Wonder how Brad Banducci would have handled that. Assume he would have just stormed off.

    Good on her for speaking up – despite the non answers from the Woolies staff.

  4. I’m actually honestly stunned that they let her continue on that far. Like, ANY attempt to appear to actually give a hoot at all shocks me to the core.

    I’m not shocked that she didn’t get any actual answers. Just that they didn’t walk away from her the second she started asking them.

  5. why did she start that like she was responding to an email

    “thanks for reaching out to us, we’re doing everything we can to recognise that people are doing it tough”

    takes a lot of guts to speak to someone like this in person, so huge shout out to the person actually raising this to the CEO

  6. LockedUpLotionClown on

    Wow, How fucking condescending can they get. That’s some top tier level disrespectful patronising.

    Hey News Corp. Run this clip on the news. You have our permission.

  7. Good on her for doing it but millionaire corporate arseholes sister to where they are by caring.

    These moments brush off them instantly – just back to their Scrooge McDuck piles of gold cause they realised they can whack 50% more onto everything and get away with it.

  8. How can one have a free market when one dominates more than 20% of the market for essentials?

    Woolies, 37%. Coles 28%. Aldi 10%. IGA/Metcash 7%.

  9. At least they heard her out.
    The only one that was rude was the worker.
    How could they have handled that interaction any better?

  10. How can they sleep at night you ask? By receiving millions per year for spewing corporate speak. I would sleep easy at night too if I was on her income

  11. I’m impressed she recognised her. I wouldn’t have known her from the thousands of other Middle aged women I see very day.

  12. this is as bad or worse then the sit down with the previous CEO. ppl so out of touch they try to give a vague answer about how they’re trying to help.

  13. Doesn’t even attempt to deflect blame, or cobble together a half-hearted excuse. Just regurgitates the same tired old talking points she was probably walked through by the board. Pathetic behaviour.

  14. They can fuck off with the lowering prices.

    I swear everything has been so expensive since like 2021 when the train line to WA closed down.

    Prices skyrocketed and have stayed there…

  15. The first answer was robotic , but I’m also surprised she didn’t throw a line about recognising the original habitants of the land…..

  16. Fucking CEO just recited a mentally pre-prepared response: “Thankyou for reaching out to us”………..”We understand that it is a very difficult time right now”

    How about a genuine human response rather than a politician-style brush-off?

    ”If you check in the canned goods section you will find we are offering 25% off home brands of sweetcorn and kidney beans in response to the cost of living crisis” – probably.