Research on more than 3.6 million mother-child pairs across 42 studies found that obesity during pregnancy increased the risk of ADHD in children by 32 per cent, doubled the risk of developing autism in children and increased the risk of conduct disorders by 16 per cent.


  1. Children born to mothers with obesity both before and during pregnancy have an increased risk of neuropsychiatric and behavioural conditions, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to new research from the University of South Australia.

    Funded by Centre of Research Excellence Health in Preconception & Pregnancy and conducted in partnership with Curtin University, Monash University, SAHMRI and a team of national institutions*, the systematic review and meta-analysis of more than 3.6 million mother-child pairs across 42 epidemiological studies found that obesity during pregnancy:

    increases the risk of ADHD in children by 32%.
    doubles the risk of developing ASD in children (by 2.23 times).
    increases the risk of conduct disorders by 16%
    The study also found that maternal pre-conception obesity or overweight was linked with an increased risk of ADHD, ASD, conduct disorder and psychotic disorder as well as a 30% increased risk in both externalising symptoms, and peer relationship problems.

    Lead researcher UniSA’s Dr Bereket Duko says the study provides new insights into the long-term impact of maternal body weight on child mental health.

    “Maternal obesity has long been associated with a range of adverse perinatal outcomes, including preterm birth, low birthweight, stillbirth, and it is also linked with macrosomia, or high birthweight,” Dr Duko says.


  2. Does this account for one of the parents having ADHD?

    It is proven to be a genetic trait (I can’t speak for autism). I should know, I have it and so do two of my kids.

  3. Opposite_Bodybuilder on

    A very quick skim of the study and it doesn’t seem to really adequately address whether those obese mothers had ASD/ADHD/etc themselves.

    Given the links between obesity and ASD/ADHD/etc, and the heritability of ASD/ADHD/etc – Is this a case of obesity being the (potential) causal factor for occurrence in offspring, or are they just at an increased risk of inheritance because mum has the same thing (and obesity is simply a secondary issue)?