Russia, Iran use AI to boost anti-U.S. influence campaigns, officials say | American intelligence officials say Moscow’s efforts, aimed mostly at undermining Harris, are the most aggressive.


  1. Article is soft paywalled, here’s the meat:

    “Russia, the most aggressive and skilled of the three countries, is emphasizing stories and comments that demean the Democratic presidential candidate’s personal qualities or positions, officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the FBI said in a briefing for reporters.

    Russia has doctored clips of Harris’s speeches to replace some of her words, an ODNI official told The Washington Post, and has used generative AI to create false text, photos, video and audio.

    Officials said they agreed with a determination by Microsoft researchers a week ago that Russia was behind a viral staged video in which an actress falsely claimed that Harris had injured her in a hit-and-run car accident, garnering millions of view.

    But they did point to a recent indictment and related documents this month alleging that Russian officials invested $10 million in a Tennessee media company that paid well-known right-wing influencers for videos that promoted Russian interests, such as opposing U.S. aid to Ukraine. The influencers themselves were not charged with any crimes, and most have said they did not know the company was backed by Russia.

    Russia is continuing to use unwitting or witting Americans to spread its messages, the officials said, as well as imitating websites of established media and using human commenters to drive traffic to those sites, which contain articles generated by AI.

    Like Russia, Iran and China have promoted content that aims to exacerbate domestic divisions, the group said. Iran has been seeking to build on differences over the war in Gaza and using AI to create faked news articles in English and Spanish. China has focused on drug use, immigration and abortion.

    Iran has acted to hurt Republican candidate and former president Donald Trump’s prospects, including by breaching his campaign and sending stolen documents to the media. China is more interested in lower-level campaigns where the candidates might support or oppose its priorities, the officials said.”

  2. It’s been suspected that Trump was a “Russian Candidate” since before he was first elected. He has done nothing but sow dissent, hatred, touted ‘white supremacy’ and ensured foreign dictators got a fair chance to keep their people under their thumb.

    It’s past time we got rid of him no matter how “charismatic” he is and put someone worthwhile in office.

  3. accidentsneverhappen on

    They can post garbage online, but they can’t vote. That’s a lot of time spent on something that isn’t going to work.

  4. EffectiveCurrency8 on

    Your presidents are a senile old man, a mad bitch and Trump. And you blame the whole world for your problems…. hahaha 🖕🏻

  5. sweetfilpinagirl on

    Russia and Iran have taken their beef to the digital world, who needs nuclear weapons when you have AI?

  6. Biden should deliver an ultimatum: all such election interference immediately ceases, or all the brakes come off of Ukraine’s use of US-made weapons.

  7. B12Washingbeard on

    This is why people keep saying AI is dangerous.  Because in the hands of fascists it is.