Removing sex education books from public library rejected by Albany council after conservative group’s campaign


  1. >Keeping Children Safe Albany group leader and former One Nation and Involuntary Medication Objectors Party candidate Michelle Kinsella said the books crossed the line from sexual education to “sex guides”.

    Crooked cooker shook by book!

  2. Jealous-Hedgehog-734 on

    I was appalled to find a book in my local library that included sex, rape, torture, murder, incest, abuse etc. 

    The Bible should not be available for public consumption.

  3. “Keeping Children Safe Albany”

    The irony is that research shows time and time again that the best way to keep kids safe is to give them factual education on their bodies, sex, consent etc and not making it a taboo topic.

    If these people really cared about the safety of children they would educate themselves first.

  4. LockedUpLotionClown on

    Yeah, it’ll be much better if people got their sex education from random online websites and pornography.


  5. Life-Experience6247 on

    A sex ed book helped me at age 8 to realise I was molested and need to tell someone. A sex ed book at age 11 let me know that period cramps aren’t supposed to be so painful you get suicidal and I went to the doctor.

    Bannings books especially educational books is crazy. Kids can educate themselves and sometimes they want info on something they are going through. Kids suffer from sexual abuse, domestic violence, incest. Kids are growing and have questions especially around puberty time.

    What is it with these groups trying to ban books lately? I know humans have been banning them forever but lately its just.. everywhere

  6. “Keeping Children Safe Albany group leader and former One Nation and Involuntary Medication Objectors Party candidate Michelle Kinsella” – good lord, that’s all I needed to read. Good for the council for not bowing to these absolute morons.

  7. That would pass in Qld because I learnt a few weeks ago how bad our banned books policy is… in that we have a banned books policy. Only state that has it and in 2017 the legislation was updated to both remove the ability to seek exceptions and to remove the clause that said it was specifically targeting materials about the abuse of children making it completely open to be anything – as long as it is a book.

    Same contents in a magazine? Fine. Books? Oh no.

    I got some nonsense responses from the state minister up for re-election that really was a flob off. Stating that the federal classification guidelines will be getting updated which does not impact the state based one that I was asking about.

    I have wanted to start a petition or something because I am not ok with it after learning how it now is and basically means that in Qld you are not allowed to own/possess/sell any books that have been classified by the federal classification board to be anything suitable for 18 years or older. Which… sounds bad but the more you understand the process, how it is being abused by people banning books and how the suitable is actually a classification that says it does not need a classification – the worse it gets.

  8. CelebrationFit8548 on

    Their leader looks like a ‘ripe nutter’ trying to appear ‘relevant’:

    >Keeping Children Safe Albany group leader and former One Nation and Involuntary Medication Objectors Party candidate Michelle Kinsella said the books crossed the line from sexual education to “sex guides”.

  9. How about parents actually do their job instead of imposing their views on us and expecting the government to parent for them?

  10. Embarrassed_Brief_97 on

    Keeping Children Safe Albany group leader and former One Nation and Involuntary Medication Objectors Party candidate…

    … ***and all round fuckwit*** …

    … Michelle Kinsella.

  11. The beautiful irony is that many kids who would never have even known about these books will now seek them out because of the controversy.

  12. > The library currently considers both books as “lost” because they have been on loan several months past their due date.

    Gee, I wonder who might have taken them out???

    > Ms Kinsella was seen with copies of the books in her possession at last night’s council meeting.


  13. Random_Fish_Type on

    If we were really serious about protecting children we would remove all bibles and other religious indoctrination books.

  14. freakymoustache on

    Bet they wanted to do a good old book burning, while they wave their crosses. Conservative simps can have their right to free speech, but you don’t have to agree, that’s democracy in action. Let’s hope that the majority of Australians will be aware enough to have the common sense to call out bullshit when they hear it, cause the propaganda machine will be in full swing leading up to the next federal election on social media with this divisive sort of crap, it’s already bad enough

  15. Puzzleheaded-Car3562 on

    Some people say sex education is dangerous. They should see the results of NO sex education. There’s no room for repressed bigots in my big beautiful State.

  16. Conservatives can do one. Trying their hardest to destroy all the social progress we’ve made because of hypocrisy and the idea that the past was better or their fiction sky friend tells them.