August 2024, Kremmina front.

Posted by GermanDronePilot


  1. Let us hope the orcs get to see this video. They may start to realise that any thoughts they may have had about being lied to, don’t even scrape the surface of that lie.

  2. The background conversations are in spanish and one of them claims to have kill at least one enemy soldier

  3. Impressive-Shake-421 on

    Most of the background chatter is unintelligible or is Spanish and I don’t speak Spanish.
    As for the Portuguese spoken by the Brazilian filming and his buddy eating:

    0:13: *Big explosion nearby* Holy shit.
    1:20: (off screen) “I’m gonna kill one today”
    1:24: “Hmm?”
    1:25: *eating* “I’m gonna kill at least one today”

  4. ItsAllinYourHeadComx on

    The food, the weapons, the bunker…
    Any active Russian soldier sees this gonna be real pissed off: “Look what they get!”

  5. Unexpected_bukkake on

    It has become incredibly one sided. The meat waves continue but, the Ukrainians get better and better. The Russians worse and worse.

    Now the Ukrainians are hitting targets in Ruasia it will get much worse for the Russians.