GOP Candidate Slammed For Questioning Why Women ‘Past 50’ Care About Abortion


  1. why don’t we start removing their manly parts and serving them up as a fragile delicacy….they are not using them anyway.

  2. Such a perfect quiet-part-out-loud moment.

    “Why do people care about this thing that doesn’t directly and immediately impact them personally?”

  3. As a 60 + female, when the decision came down, I felt terrified for women of all ages. I mean, most medical studies are based on men. I have a hard enough time keeping my Doctors.

  4. iridescent-shimmer on

    Is this guy on drugs? Does he not realize that even people over 50 were once of child-bearing age?? Many have received abortion care and/or fertility treatments. My mom is distraught over the destruction of reproductive rights after she realized that’s how our friend was able to compassionately end a 2nd/3rd trimester pregnancy with a fatal fetal abnormality. Or that the 6-week abortion ban in FL would’ve just killed my cousin had it been in effect earlier this year.

  5. I’m in my mid 40’s, all done with the baby thing and I still care that women don’t die needlessly during childbirth. Or that a 12 year old isn’t forced to carry her rapist’s baby. And that women don’t end up with murder charges due to a miscarriage. All real things that have now happened due to politics.

    Also, besides how horrific those things are…does anyone really think this is the end? This is the beginning. Next, no voting rights. Next, husbands own us. Next, can’t show any skin. This isn’t a new concept, it’s actively being practiced all over this fucked up world of ours.

  6. Why aren’t women over 50 willing to fuck over their daughters, nieces, granddaughter, etc. by surrendering the inalienable right to control their own bodies? In exchange for what? Some beads and the opportunity to put a fucking rapist back in the White House?

  7. Timely-Youth-9074 on

    This makes me so angry.

    Women over 50 can still get pregnant, and if we do, the complications can be so much worse.

    But even if we didn’t, why wouldn’t we care about young women?

    Republicans are unfit to rule-they can’t see past their own freakn noses.

  8. Plenty of women are in their 50s and haven’t yet reached menopause. The likelihood of pregnancy is small, but it is not zero.