Tailgaters, mobile phone users to be revealed in real-time in Queensland warning signs trial

Posted by Impossible_Debt_4184


  1. Hell yes.

    Tailgating is particularly shit to me, because it’s the one behaviour you cannot really do anything about if you’re the recipient.

    If someone is driving reasonably erratically, presumably through inattention, mobile phone use, or generally being a dipstick, you can at least drop back behind them and make sure you’re out of the impact zone. A quick toot of the horn can wake them up, too.

    If they’re tailgating… sometimes, you are shit outta luck. Can’t move over a lane, speeding up is absolutely the wrong move, can’t respond in any way that changes behaviour. Slowing down is perhaps a safer option in some ways, but risks aggravating the tailgater. It’s not a fun experience.

  2. Itchy_Tiger_8774 on

    I can see people testing this just to see what they’ll be able to get away with when they pass a camera that does issue fines. Especially with mobile phone use.

  3. Tailgating is regularly the issue most people have when surveyed, and yet I still see the majority of cars following way too closely. Someone isn’t practicing what they preach.

  4. This will do nothing unfortunately. Tailgaters are already aware of what they are doing as it’s a tactic to bully the car in front to speed up or move over. Entitlement outweighs courtesy.