Trump Media shares crash to record low despite better polling


  1. It also marked the sixth straight day of heavy selling in Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), the parent of Twitter clone Truth Social, after a very brief respite when Trump told reporters he had no intention of selling his nearly 115 million shares of stock.

    It closed down 10% on the session to finish at $12.15, its lowest level since it first announced three years ago plans to go public via a reverse merger with a blank check investment vehicle known as a SPAC.

  2. jh937hfiu3hrhv9 on

    After a lifetime of failed business attempts, bankruptcies and swindles, it is amazing there are still fools who buy Chump’s snake oil. It would be interesting to see a list of all the losers and how much cash they lost.

  3. lol the market knows the media is propping this bloated orange clown up in order to secure ratings through the election

  4. Pineapplepizzaracoon on

    When he loses it’s only use will be to rally extremists for stop the steal 2 civil war or coup.

  5. Truth social is a rip off of Twitter. Twitter was bought by Elon. Elon has been simping hard for Trump. Twitter as such has become a right wing cesspool. Reason stands that Twitter will continue to be a right wing cesspool in favor of Trump’s right wing cesspool platform. Trump and his cronies are gonna sell it all to anyone stupid enough to buy. I almost feel bad for people who dumped their life’s savings into it… Almost.

  6. Plumbus_DoorSalesman on

    Is his polling that much better? Literally nothing has changed in the last couple of weeks

  7. A single point on a right leaning poll isn’t exactly better polling. It’s an outlier and likely trash.

  8. When the stock price is tied to how well he’s doing in the election, it’s just legalized bribery. If he wins, all the foreign governments/billionaires that bought into the company will own Trump.