An Update Regarding The Trailer: We Raised Β£170 Last Time Out Of $2500. The 122nd Brigade Really Needs Your Help In Purchasing This. Please Read The Description πŸ’™πŸ’›

Posted by ongand2


  1. Hello everyone, Armen here.

    About a month ago (3 posts back) I made a post asking for your help in purchasing a trailer for the 122nd to transport vehicles and buggies to the front. And damaged but repairable vehicles further from the front where repairs can be made repairs.

    Last time it didn’t go to plan and we managed to raise Β£170 out of the $2500 needed to purchase it. Since then I was asked several times to help with purchasing this.

    Vehicles and buggies are extremely important for moveability and overall safety of the soldiers. So here I am again, asking for your help once again. We have about $2300 left to collect.

    If you have the means and desire to donate to this cause, I and the soldiers will be very great full.

    Donation information:
