Boeing’s ‘final’ 30% pay hike offer isn’t good enough, union says


  1. The key stumbling block seems to be that Boeing eliminated an employee pension plan 10 years ago and won’t bring it back. Hence the demands for significant pay raises to offset the loss of retirement benefits.

  2. I get it but sometimes you gotta take what you can get and realize the company will never bring it back. It’s up to them and I support the union.

  3. I’m looking forward to everyone applying and accepting whatever they are offered because they realize a job is a job especially when other companies are conducting mass layoffs

  4. Demand real hike and then connect raise to inflation, make it 5% higher so it’s automatically adjusted.

  5. Maybe Boeing’s CEO will make $60 million rather than that messily $45 million last year or so! Good for him. As far as the others who do the actual work, fuck em! Who needs em right?

  6. great_whitehope on

    These are the guys that can’t build aircraft right?

    I think they should be required to undergo training again then maybe negotiate with the union on salary and benefits.

  7. octopod-reunion on

    What was their _total compensation including benefits_ ten years ago compared to now, adjusted for inflation. 

    I bring this up specifically because they used to have a pension, and don’t any more. 

    The raise should be more than enough to cover both inflation _and_ the compensation equivalent they lost when they lost their pension.