1. figuring_ItOut12 on

    It’s always about the grift and the gullible. Ellis summed it up pretty well.

    > Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, slammed DeAngelis, calling him a “sideshow charlatan” whose anti-LGBTQ+ extremism disqualifies him from any serious discourse on education. “His hypocrisy and attempts to profit from these controversies expose a dangerous agenda,” she stated. “The real threat is from the people who’ve propped him up and their Project 2025 blueprint for a government takeover that would demolish the Department of Education and refuse to recognize rising LGBTQ visibility and acceptance across society.”

  2. Classic
    The entertainment never ends.
    If you want to ban something maybe it’s because you don’t want any competition.

  3. Independent-Lemon624 on

    You wonder how this gets discovered. Like some gay guy is looking to pleasure himself and then stops and goes omg that’s Congressman Smith! Hot! Finishes off. Reports it to the news.

  4. Living-Restaurant892 on

    When a Republican speaks out strongly against something, you know that they did it themselves. 

  5. Projection. always. It never ceases to amaze me that those who rail the antigay sentiment are usually in the closet about their own sexual desires and tastes.

  6. WestCoastBuckeye666 on

    Every accusation is an admission.

    True with cheaters, true with Republicans

    Unfortunately this story will never air on Fox News

  7. I once said something about how homophobes are closeted homosexuals.

    They’re ashamed of themselves and irrationally envious of out homosexuals living their truth publicly without shame.

    I was promptly told there is no evidence to support that.

    And yet I see stories like this on a regular basis.