Trump, down 32 points with young voters aged 18-29, tries new strategy

Posted by Reg_Cliff


  1. “What’s with all those Skibidi toliets? You gotta flush them 10-15 times or you gotta pay the Fanum tax am I right?”

    -Dizzonald J Trumpz

  2. Environmental-Arm365 on

    I think young voters are absolutely repulsed by republicans and just boomers in general. Can’t say I blame them.

  3. I love those numbers, now to convince the youngest voters to show up and vote. I know my first try was doomed but go anyway. Yeah way old voted against Nixon in 72. But there ate dozens of down ballot races you can influence but you have to vote to do that. Get our there, cancel one of my Boomer peers who thinks Trump is OK, he’s NOT.

  4. Unless he changes his campaign strategy to “just shut the fuck up” he’s going to keep losing ground with all but his main maga terrorist base.

  5. That’s great… but will they actually vote? Good things happen when it’s 50%+, not so great when lower than that.

  6. It’s your future – either you have one or you don’t – trump will cause another recession and possibly a depression.

  7. Objective_Problem_90 on

    Only means something if people in that age range get off their asses this time and go vote blue.

  8. NYT: “How Harris’s Dominant Polling Among Younger Voters Is Bad for the Democratic Party in 2024, 2028, and Beyond.”

  9. Sad-Status-4220 on

    Do you mean 18 to 25 year olds do not have anything in common with an 80yo. Shocking discovery!

  10. “…A fine and brilliant young man named DONALD J. TRUMP!””

    -Donald J. Trump

    (Actual quote)

  11. EuphoricMidnight3304 on

    Down 32 points with this younger group, down by hundreds of points with other groups, but “tied” in the polls? How does this make any fucking sense

  12. Disciple_of_Cthulhu on

    Remember, kids, you’re going to be dealing with all the problems these old, right-wing relics cause for decades long after they’ve died, and that’s just what they want.

  13. He said he saved flavored vapes lol when it was banned on his presidency. Fucking moron. All the magats are morons especially if this is who you think is great. Morons