Calif. Governor vetoes bill requiring opt-out signals for sale of user data | Gavin Newsom said he opposes mandate on mobile operating system developers.


  1. Sounds like a win for big tech and a loss for consumer privacy. It’s getting harder and harder to control your own data these days. 씁

  2. >…it’s best if design questions are first addressed by developers, rather than by regulators. For this reason, I cannot sign this bill.”

    The developers have already addressed it. Harvest as much user data as possible and sell it. Such a BS answer.

  3. Of course they won’t go against the companies harvesting the data *they themselves have to buy because spying on their own is illegal.*

  4. I’ve never liked him after the interview with Colbert where Colbert said “How are you so hot?!” and Newsom did the most signature narcissistic feeding where he grinned and smiled, threw his head back and just FED on all the girl woo-sounds from the audience. It looked like a Twilight-vampire feeding frenzy of affirmation. Disgusting.

  5. >Vetoes can be overridden with a two-thirds vote in each chamber. The bill was approved 59–12 in the Assembly and 31–7 in the Senate. But the State Legislature hasn’t overridden a veto in decades.

    Now seems as good a time as any.

    Newsom’s comparison is nonsense. Browsers have opt-out signals but OS don’t have any so we shouldn’t push it until they do? Bro it’s just software they can add it in an update.

    Out of touch or just willfully playing stupid.

  6. He’s morally bankrupt having slept with the wife of a close friend straight out of Carly Simon’s *You’re So Vain,* so this is wholly unsurprising.

  7. This and the allowing extra fees from the restaurant industry only is why Gavin’s presidential aspirations are dead on arrival with me. He’s way too much of a corporate lapdog to get excited about.

  8. Why does he oppose mandates on operating systems? Protections of consumers doesn’t extend into our digital lives?

  9. And that’s why my phone isn’t a disgustingly overpriced iPhone, nor Google’s Android. It’s a Pixel with GrapheneOS on it.

    The next one I get will be a flip phone

  10. _MissionControlled_ on

    This guy has two years left and is done. He doesn’t give a fuck about optics. Big Tech has deep pockets, and he’ll put his hand out to them.

    We really need to young blood in 2026. Perhaps Katie Porter can run.