The nightmare that is socialized medicine….

Posted by KennithOlivo


  1. My daughter was in London last year. She fell and sprained her ankle very badly. When it happened, they didn’t know if it was broken or not. She was taken to a hospital. They did X-rays, gave her meds, wrapped it after they knew there were no broken bones, and gave her crutches so she didn’t have to put weight on it. Didn’t cost her a dime. If that happened here to a tourist, they’d be on the hook for thousands of dollars if not tens of thousands of dollars.

  2. But then how can the government be the good guys by forgiving my medical debt if it’s just free??

  3. Lol even my crappy third world insurance covered my kids broken arm fully, and I pay around $50 per month to have him covered

  4. Are you **trying** to take money out of the pockets of rich people who invest in insurance companies?

  5. Environmental-Arm365 on

    Damn y’all. Are we really getting roasted by Canada now because I feel like we just got severely burned? 🔥🔥🔥

  6. TrinixDMorrison on

    This poor bastard will never feel the satisfying enjoyment of talking to his coworkers in the break room, sharing stories about the insane bullshit they were charged for at a hospital 😔😔😔

  7. CalRipkenForCommish on

    Listen, trump has a concept of a plan that he’s been working on for over a decade. He’s gonna reveal it *real soon* and then we will have a *greater concept of a plan*, which is a glorious thing! Also, trump is done raping and creeping on women, now he’s going to protect them, so take that, Canada!

  8. I’ve been an insured American, an uninsured American, and lived under British Columbia MSP (the universal healthcare in this province). It’s zero contest which I prefer.

    Is it perfect? No, especially not when some provincial leadership are attempting to chip away at public health by sneaking in more private options, etc. But I’ll take it.

  9. According_Physics624 on

    My wife is from Taiwan. I got more free stuff from A single ER visit than I ever will in America. I am talking a free EKG(12 lead), a urine test, a blood cholesterol test, someone took some more blood to check my kidneys a diabetic screening. Two prescriptions for 90 days of pills and they let me use a wheel chair for 4 months …all for free

  10. Alarmed_Attitude_316 on

    The reason we don’t have universal healthcare is because if the governement had a fiduciary responsibility to lower healthcare costs and improve wellbeing, we’d start asking a lot of uncomfortable questions about our entire society.

  11. I had cancer. Had it removed less than six weeks after detection. Cost me a total of $15, all for parking at the hospital. Total nightmare, living without the freedom to go into debt to stay alive.