Russia says fighting in Ukraine will go on until Putin's goals are met A Kremlin spokesperson has stressed that the fighting in Ukraine will continue until Russia has achieved its goals set by President Vladimir Putin.

On Tuesday, Dmitry Peskov said, “For us, there is absolutely no alternative to achieving our set goals.”

Peskov was responding to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s interview with US television channel ABC the previous day.

Zelenskyy said the war with Russia is “closer to the end” and called for more support from the United States and its allies.

Back in June, Putin set conditions for starting peace talks, including the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from four eastern and southern regions Russia has unilaterally declared annexed.

He also demanded that Kyiv abandon its bid for NATO membership.

But the Ukrainian presidential office said on Tuesday that its chief, Andriy Yermak, noted in a speech in New York that Ukraine’s invitation to NATO is part of its victory plan.

Zelenskyy has said he will present the plan to US President Joe Biden as well as to presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

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