North Korean leader's sister denounces US nuclear submarine's arrival in S.Korea The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has denounced the arrival of a US nuclear-powered submarine in South Korea.

Kim Yo Jong issued a statement on the matter through the state-run Korean Central News Agency on Tuesday.

She said North Korea’s Aerospace Reconnaissance Agency detected the latest US submarine at a port in Busan in the southeastern part of South Korea on Monday.

She also said, “This reveals the frantic military and strategic attempt of the US hell-bent on intentionally demonstrating the ‘superiority of strength’ before the world.”

Kim added that North Korea “will continue to inform that all the ports and military bases” of South Korea “are not safe places.”

South Korean media had already reported the port call by the USS Vermont on Monday.

They say the statement may have been an attempt to showcase the surveillance capabilities of North Korea’s military spy satellite.

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