Trump moans that Zelenskyy wants Harris to win US election


  1. Instead of the person who wants him to lose the war at which time I assume Zelensky would be killed

  2. StashedandPainless on

    Ya know, for being the avatar of hyper masculine fuck your feelings tough guys everywhere, all this guy ever does is whine about how unfair everything is and how everyone hurts his feelings.

  3. Just_the_nicest_guy on

    Imagine that; Ukraine would prefer a US president who is an ally of theirs rather than an ally of Putin. How dare they.

  4. CountryFriedSteak78 on

    Yep. The president of Ukraine isn’t a fan of the guy who couldn’t bring himself to say that he wants Ukraine to defeat Russia and their illegal invasion.


  5. I mean you tried to blackmail him over some of weapons that helped stall the initial invasion. This shouldn’t be shocking

  6. Eatthehamsters69 on

    I don’t understand why he wouldn’t prefer the candidate who said something like “Putin is a genius” for invading them, along with constantly bragging about how good friends they are and how strong and powerful he is.

    For a ‘strongman’, Trump really seems to come across as a total c*ck when he talks about dictators of totalitarian societies.

    Let alone the conspiracy theories that are thriving in the “conservative” media (which also apparently gets funded by RT), where Ukraine bribed Joe and Hunter Biden, and apparently were behind the second assassination attempt, the moscow terrorist attack that US announced like weeks in advance etc.

  7. because of Donald Trump wins, not only are hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians gonna be put to death, so will Zelensky

  8. This guy is the world’s most accomplished bitch and moaner he complains constantly just from a human perspective how do his supporters continue to follow such a whiny, self centered man bitch.

  9. arthurdentxxxxii on

    He knows that Russia is using their massive resources to try to help him win the election through deception and destabilizing our country.

    We all know the thousands of AI posts and Russian bots are in support of Trump.

    He would gladly let Russia flatten Ukraine immediately.

  10. I mean, Zelenskyy’s very existence depends on Kamala winning. Trump would pull all military aid immediately upon winning. Ukraine would be finished.

  11. Bullymongodoggo on

    “I don’t understand why the guy I’ve tried to fuck over in the past, and will fuck over if I’m elected, wants my opponent, who fully supports him and his country, to win this election” – trump.  What a dumbass

  12. “The guy I extorted for help in the last election doesn’t want me to win this election!! What’s his problem??”