Scholz still does not want to give Zelensky long-range weapons

Posted by EUstrongerthanUS


  1. EUstrongerthanUS on

    Zelensky has long asked for long-range weapons to attack Russian territory. Scholz has often said no and repeated that answer to reporters in New York on Monday. It is a decision of the German government, Scholz stressed. “We are not doing it and have good reasons for doing so,” he said. Even in the future, Ukraine will not receive permission from Germany, even if allies do give it.

    The United Kingdom and the United States are not yet in agreement on whether Ukraine should be allowed to use missiles to hit targets deep inside Russia. Russia previously reacted threateningly. If NATO countries allow the deployment of the weapons, then the countries of the military alliance are at direct war with Russia, President Vladimir Putin warned.

  2. Germany will sooner or later renew its trading with Russia for mineal and energy commodities. It is not in interest og Germay that Russian infrastructure be incapacitated.

  3. As a politician Scholz is done.

    As a human he seems to be shitty and pretty stupid. Just like the one before him and the one before her.

    Other countries also have problems with electing scum, but German ones have major consequences for Europe. Merkel cracked EU with her immigration stupidity and put Germany on its knees with full dependence on russia. Whole world remembers some other German leaders. So I wonder what damage will be Scholz’s legacy.

    And seems like next leader could be a real firecracker.

  4. Scholz is a freaking coward. This cannot be for real. The war is not ending if Ukraine is just barely defending itself. He is not getting my vote.

  5. Good for them. Let’s first wait untill we established who blew up NS-. If it turns out to be Ukraine I think we should stop all military and economic help ASAP

  6. StrongFaithlessness5 on

    Scholz is such a coward. The more time it passes, the more I think he’s an ally of Russia that pretends to support Ukraine. M5S in Italy already proved that they are like that…

  7. Seeing these reactions in this thread it is clear to me Scholz is stupid – we could have saved hundreds of billions by doing fuckall and nothing would change since you people call us pro-Russian cowards even when we are the largest European providers of aid to Ukraine, even when we are leading one of the military aid categories far ahead of everyone else – air defense systems. But no, every time the only category that matters is the one we aren’t leading. If we had sent all working Taurus (150) and adjusted our aid to match other western countries like Spain or France, we would be pro-Russian for not sending some other system.

    It has become clear to me that it is not about sending or not sending anything – you made up your mind years ago and nothing can change – so it was stupid for us to even try.

  8. You guys seem to forget Russia has nukes unlike Middle East nations that west has bombed to Stone Age. I get it that most of them are not capable of using but if only one percent of them works or hits the target chaos would be unimaginable.

  9. I wish he went back to wearing the eyepatch, it makes him look like he cares about protecting something

  10. I don’t mind Germany playing the middle road.

    Their money is with Ukraine (they’re a huge Ukrainian backer, the second biggest in absolute terms, one of the bigger ones in relative terms) and Germany has a vested interest in being politically moderate (germany + military aggression has not been a good look for the last 100 years).

    There are other countries that are more well placed to do so. Both in terms of access to long range weapons (at best Germany has a limited number of Taurus missiles) and politically (Germany’s population is decidedly against Germany pushing escalation policies).

  11. This is so German. Risk averse to a fault. I’m so glad other countries are not following his lead.

  12. so many Germans are afraid of Russia, and it’s one of the reasons why the afd is gaining popularity. The SPD wants to gain some of those votes

  13. Vast-Scale-9596 on

    Ukraine is hitting deep into Russia all day every day, so wtf is the point of this hair-splitting BS beyond giving Putin all the breaks he needs?

    Let Ukraine do what it needs to beat these shitbags and end this war, and Putin, on their terms. Fuck his red lines.