Harris leads Trump by 32 points among young voters in new polling



  1. WhatsRatingsPrecious on

    Which is awesome, but we need to keep some perspective.

    In the 2020 election, the 18-29 voting block comprised 17% of the total vote, with the 30-64 blocks contributing 56% of the total vote.

    We have to see more than 17% this time around.

  2. 64-32% in favor of Harris. This is landslide territory and you really do love to see it, especially late in the summer.

  3. ..and Indiana went blue for the slightest HINT of a second. I had hope. That hope was lost. The map of 270towin.com. is fun to watch!

  4. TrickyDefinition3402 on

    But the NYT thinks it’s actually only a small difference and that Trump gained over 10 points in the youth vote compared to how he ran against Biden.

  5. Yeah but 18-24 yr old group only votes like 20-25% of the time. It’s pathetic. 

    It’s hard to get them to care and vote.

  6. This has been the case since time immemorial. The youngest generation has always had the power to steer this country into whatever direction with their votes, but every election cycle, they stay at home while the oldest generation outvotes them into oblivion.

    Do whatever it takes to get out there.

  7. All they have to do now is withstand the GOP suppression efforts geared explicitly towards young voters. Then they can help flush the orange turd in November. God speed youngsters, god speed.

  8. Young voters have the opportunity to take part in America’s a first historical election.

    The USA having its first female president is a big deal, and you get to be the first in history only once.

    There will be other Obama’s, there will be other Trump’s, and there will be other Harris’s and so this is why it’s important to be part of the firsts and vote.

  9. IThinkTheClockIsSlow on

    The youth have never really voted before. I don’t have much faith they will this time either. Would love to be proved wrong.

  10. The twist is young people don’t vote as much older folks. It should be reversed. Young people are going to exist in the future a lot longer than the oldsters

  11. If ever there was an election where young voters should participate, this one is it. You have a choice to vote an old man past his expiration date or a younger woman in her prime.

  12. Vooooooooote

    Check to verify *today* that you are registered. Go online and look at the ballot ahead of time. See when early voting begins and look into going when it’s convenient and available for you.

    And talk to your friends about it. I live in a very rural (red) area and the diehard Trump folk talk about voting every minute of every day to everyone around them. They’ll drag family members who can’t even dress themselves into the polls on election day and make sure they vote for their guy. You have to stand up to them.


    For perspective Biden and Trump were 60% and 36% with 18-29 in the 2020 election. So an improvement if this actually ends up being the case.

  14. In 2020, this group had the highest youth voting rate ever recorded. They vote more than other generations did at their age. That is the starting point for Gen Z. Really excited and proud of my peers! We got this!