‘You’re going to jail!’ Trump threatens overseas voters in angry Truth Social post



  1. LMAO he’s attacking *me* – I’ve been missing out up to this point! Yea, I mean the FPCA form required my SSN and/or government ID, so that’s bullshit. I guess the DNC could in theory steal my identity and vote in my stead… except now there would be duplicate votes and an investigation, which I assume would be happening thousands of times when other overseas voters legitimately tried to vote. (Also, don’t regular-ass mail-in ballots work like this as well?)

    So pretty risky to try that even once, and pretty much guaranteed to be caught if attempted at any scale.

    Also, I sent my ballot in this morning, come at me Donald.

  2. I’ve heard most overseas voters are Democrats or Independents. Makes sense to me. 5.1 million votes is nothing to sneeze at!

  3. I’ve always wondered how the military can still be seen as overwhelmingly Republican supporters but maybe the dissing trump has been giving them is finally starting to sink in?

    Mind you its totally possible that they are still majority republican voters and trump is just chucking them under the bus because victory at all costs no matter how much chicanery is required to get over the line….

  4. RemarkableDog4512 on

    Eh, they’ll just leave Harris’ name off the ticket like MO did. Cheats n villains, every last one of them.

  5. FrostySquirrel820 on

    Hmm. I wonder if more overseas democrats or overseas republicans will fall for his latest BS ?

  6. Ah, more projection. Anyone who runs out to vote for him because they’re afraid of his threats are totally cucked. Grown adults should know better.

  7. iamozymandiusking on

    Not that it’s ever stopped him before on anything else, but isn’t that clearly and explicitly illegal? Voter intimidation.

  8. Did someone run the numbers for him, showing that losing this election is more lucrative than winning? Because it sure seems that way.

  9. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    So, he thinks he’s still the President and can wield presidential power? It makes one wonder what imaginary powers he’ll come up with when he doesn’t get elected again.