1. I’d love to see how this armour stands up against NATO ammunition, I’m sure it’s like the usual Chinese shit they sell around the world

  2. ManufacturerNo3804 on

    For the Chinese this will be a testbed how their armor holds out on the modern battlefield. Politically they can deny they ever sold these vehicles to Russia and will point to other countries that have these vehicles.

  3. So china and N.K can supply whatever they want with no restrictions to Russia but we can’t because of “fear of escalation” why don’t we just say hey Putin id you don’t pull out of Ukraine we will nuke you.

    See how he likes it, obviously it’s a hallow threat like his but say if they keep receiving weapons from N.K and China w Ukraine will be supplied with tactical nuclear warheads.

  4. Missiles from North Korea? Check!

    Drones from Iran? Check!

    Armored vehicles from China? Check!

    The free world must never forget who is feeding the war crime machine in Russia.