Footage claimed to show the arrest and short interrogation of two 16 year old Russians that burned an Mi-8 helicopter in Omsk with a molotov cocktail [September 2024]

Posted by CupCharacter853


  1. From telegram:
    >A couple of Zoomers set fire to a Mi-8 at Omsk airfield. The curator promised a reward of 20,000$ for completing the task, but they never received the dirty papers. Ideally, of course, we would like to see the arsonists “rewarded” with a 20-year sentence. The helicopter itself was severely damaged, with the cabin completely burned out.

  2. It’s hilarious that they staged this ‘arrest’ so they can film everything so they think they can appear ‘strong’.

    It’s a swat team being send to arrest two teen boys…

    They could have just send two uniformed policemen to ring the doorbell and would have had the same result.

  3. Propaganda film to show strength. Cant believe anything coming out of russia anyway. Maybe these kids did it maybe not but of course russia has to pretend they know what they are doing. Either way I’m very pleased that the chopper got destroyed.

  4. How many real special operations to arrest somebody by surprise, have you seen, where the camera man already awaits the “special forces” who come to do the job, so he can get the footage. Man the rusians are regarded!

  5. Why break open the door like that? Its 2 small kids haha. They didn’t exactly look like heavily armed dangerous thugs.

  6. Special_Yellow_6348 on

    How did the camera guy know what was going to happen just happened to be standing there recording the teens are aful calm considering what’s just happened

  7. I find it funny that 2 kids were able to get in an airfield what has the most advanced russian aircrafts stores and they have time not only to light and burn an aircraft but to even flee and have 1 month time until they are catched. Honestly the guards should be held accountable

  8. This is usually fimled on vest cameras, not by some random guy who was somehow already there waiting for the “special ops.”. If the cameraman is one of theirs, why was he sent there first and if he isn’t, why was a random civilian allowed to interfere with an arrest and put his hands on the suspects? The “swat team” even appears to have differnet gear/clothing and different shoulder patches(if any, can’t really tell). This is either staged or shows how unorganized Ruzzia is even internally.

  9. Can’t help but notice that the guys they sent to arrest two teenagers are much better equipped than the guys they send into combat in Ukraine. Funny, that.

  10. As a retired American firefighter, I can assure you that these assholes FUCKING SUCK at forcible entry. That was downright embarrassing! I hope they all catch a drone in Ukraine.

  11. MyNameCouldBeHere on

    It’s really sad when they want to show how strong they are in a staged film and that’s the result.
    *How can it be that they have to spend so long dealing with the door?
    *Is there anyone who thinks this is a good example of successful police work?
    *Couldn’t the two children who were arrested have at least had an angry barking dog? (since the poor children already have no parents).
    *I have seen more convincing role plays by school classes.
    How am I supposed to be impressed by that?

  12. KGB friendly doors with the hinges outside, yet these geniuses decide to take the more difficult approach. At least they brought ten crowbars – each.

  13. Professional_Ad5678 on

    Did they seriously not find a better vehicle for this staged propaganda footage?

    A damn white van that is just sad

  14. theflyinfudgeman on

    I am really impressed by the quality of that apartments door. I think the door factory should start to produce Russian tanks 😂😂😂