Zelensky says war ‘closer to an end’ than many think and renews calls on allies to increase military aid


Posted by duckanroll


  1. Apprehensive_Sleep_4 on

    And Western countries must continue supplying Ukraine so that the war can end in an earlier date and make Russia wave the white flag.

  2. Im inclined to believe this. After the destruction of notable munitions depots the only real strategic threat are the aerial glide bombs. Its infuriating to see western allies deny the ability to destroy the source of those glide bombs.

  3. The only way I can see it ending with a Ukrainian victory is if there’s an internal coup, and Putin and his leaders are taken out. Otherwise it will continue to be a war of attrition, which Ukraine doesn’t really stand much chance of winning.

  4. Zelensky is getting either desperate or delusional. There is no way the Russian are going to let off now. They really dont give a fuck about the Kursk invasion but they are finally gaining ground in the Donbas. He should have started thinking about peace when US military leadership suggested he do after their successes/ Russia’s failures in Kherson.

  5. He’s absolutely preparing a peace deal and wants Ukraine to be in the strongest position possible.

  6. Russia needs to be demilitarised, they are oppressors and agressors since day 1

    I live in Poland and

    1772, 1793, 1795 even here are the dates of them partitioning our country, destroying, killing our people

    They are like shit overflowing from clogged toilet and it spills and flows to other countries!

    They even poisoned Asians! (what they’ve done to North Korea)

    They should be nuked and demilitarized, maybe then they will learn to stick to their border and not “overflowing” outside of them!

  7. Between the report from the head of the central russian bank about the economy overheating, the destruction of a considerably big % of russian munition stockpiles and recent actions by china separating itself from russian agents, it seems very probable, strategically speaking.

    The problem I see is the way of the defeat. To a degree it looks like putin and the rest of the regime are ok getting defeated strategically, as long as they can claim smaller “victories” to keep themselves in power, in a north korea like fashion, and that seems to include trying (and most likely, with time, failing) to keep some of the territory they currently hold, extending the conflict even more.

  8. I don’t see the military status quo (mostly a stalemate) changing fast soon in any case except for some major external factor. But all the more reasons to have unrestricted military support for Ukraine, there should be a long-term commitment for Ukraine’s victory.

  9. I remember people were citing 2025 as the final year of the war, but I’m not sure how accurate that is.

  10. He is delusional and on more drugs than ever. Or maybe his plan is 5d chess where he knows the US will refuse his plan , then he can go to ukraine and tell them “ Uncle Sam .. BAD so we have to make peace with Russia “

  11. Unless he has some kind of secret weapon we know nothing about, I can’t see how the war is closer to an end. That or he plans to give whatever Putin wants which makes the entire war pointless.

  12. On same feed it is article about bunch of killed Russian and one that Ukraine is out of troops, what is going on ?

  13. Convince Putins “friends” to get rid of him? Assasinate him? Convince China to provoke an attack on Russia?