1. From the article :-

    “A new study published in the [American Political Science Review](https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055424000741) sheds light on how political elites, such as former President Donald Trump, can influence public behavior through polarizing messages on social media. The study provides evidence that Trump’s controversial tweets in April 2020, which called for the “liberation” of Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia from COVID-19 lockdowns, led to an a decrease in compliance with stay-at-home orders and a rise in arrests, especially among white Americans.

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, political polarization in the United States reached new heights, with leaders from different parties often giving conflicting advice on health measures. Trump’s tweets about the need to “liberate” states under lockdown were especially controversial, as they directly challenged state-level policies. The researchers wanted to examine whether these messages, sent during a national health crisis, encouraged supporters to act in ways that violated government guidelines. The study’s aim was to understand the broader consequences of political elites using divisive rhetoric during crises.

    To investigate the effects of Trump’s tweets, the researchers used a combination of social media analysis, mobility data, and arrest records. They specifically focused on the three states Trump mentioned in his tweets—Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia. By comparing behavior in these states to others that were also under COVID-19 lockdown orders, they were able to isolate the impact of Trump’s messages.”

  2. **”A single Trump tweet has been connected to a rise in** ***lawlessness*** ~~arrests of~~ ***among*** **white Americans”**

    framing of the headline makes it sound like it lead to victimization rather than incitement into breaking the law. It was the violation of the health measures that lead to arrest not the tweet. The tweet encouraged them to do things like storm the Michigan capital with guns and plot to kidnap Big Gretch