Danish PM Says Migration Is Europe’s Top Issue After Ukraine


Posted by EUstrongerthanUS


  1. Professional-Wish656 on

    Basically the problem is that hundreds of millions of africans and asians want to come to Europe to live better and peacefully, where there are decades of development. Also within Europe there is a lot of movements and mostly free movement, and some regions are way more developed than others.

    Ok, then:

    1. Understand what is required
    2. Understand what profiles are required
    3. Put development plants on those areas to understand what exactly is wrong there, how to improve it, create development there and select the right candidates.
    4. Politics of 0 tolerance against crimes and disruption, create an specific point in Africa where hypothetical criminals or mentally unwell can be sent if not integrated.

    There are small things that also should be considered ASAP for example VIT D levels of africans migrants in europe, nobody talks about this, but research says that low VIT D can cause mental health problems, depression, etc. The darker your skin is the lower VIT D you get from the sun, and if often there is no sun in northern europe that might be creating serious problems for these inmigrants to adapt themselves to those latitudes. VIT D supplements offered by the government to african and mediterranean inmigrants should be mandatory.

  2. Goldstein_Goldberg on

    And the EU forces a loose migration policy with all the treaties that we set up and that are basically unamendable without leaving the EU. 

    Even about internal EU migrants, my country, the Netherlands, is desperate to get more control over the flow of people. Because we’re the most densely populated country after Malta and we lack the facilities to receive so many people in such an unregulated way.

     Wake up, European Commission.

  3. Independent-Slide-79 on

    If we don’t get serious about climate change now these refugee problems that we have now are non at all… compared to whats to come

  4. EUstrongerthanUS on

    She also criticized Biden for being so weak on Russia. We have great leaders in Europe, but only a federation can fulfill their true potential. Instead we confine them to small states. She would have my vote as President of Europe.

  5. Major european economies stopped growing, Germany is on precovid levels, some countries are even below 2007/8 levels in $, many european regions have inflation adjusted salaries are on the level they used to be in 1990, but migration is top issue.
    Maybe when you are loaded and one of the most powerful personalities in your country, hearing ukrainian on Copenhagen streets and seeing Indians delivering food through Uber Eats bother you the most, but I really don’t think that is the biggest issue EU has going forward.

  6. Trying to think of a single thing in my life that would be better without migrants but I can’t come up with anything.

  7. Yeah, for exemple when the rich frenchmen migrates in Luxembourg so he doesn’t pay taxes in France.That’s really sucks

  8. Western Europe’s migration policy/debate can go one of two ways. An assertive centre can claim the conversation, heavy handedly shoo away fringey populism, and *actually* have the conversation.

    Or… the conversation can remain where it has been trending for the past 10+ years. A conversation between fringe factions where the majority/centre is irrelevant and dragged around by the fringe.

    One change that must happen, IMO, is the “asylum paradigm.” The PM is speaking as if migration, conceptually mostly means asylum seeking. The primary reason for immigration is “*we have to help migrants out.*” She’s trying to balance this against “*how much can we afford to do, and how best to expend our limited resources.*”

    That’s not a successful, long term paradigm for migration. The wrong conceptual framework. “Migration as a positive, economically & socially beneficial order” needs to be the paradigm.

    The 1951 refugee convention is another thing we can’t really talk about as adults. No one genuinely adheres to the treaty in good faith. Bureaucracy and legal sandbagging is used as (an extremely ugly) bridge between the treaty’s legal demands and actual policy that an actual country would be willing to implement. Grandstanding effectively prevents regularization of the process.

  9. It is the top problem because the media and politicians push it so much. If you look at numbers they are way down already compared to a few years before.

    Terrorism is on the rise but you can’t fight it just by limiting migration. People that come to European countries on a tourist visa or which are citizens by birth or naturalization can commit attacks just as easily.

    Another issue is integration but solving this problem requires money not just less people who come into the system. People having to spend years in container settlements with no work or education opportunities, while the gears of bureaucracy are turning painfully slow, are easy to radicalize, probably more so the more you limit their chances to be granted asylum.

    Last but not least, immigration is a consequence of some more deeply routed problems like global inequality, climate change and regional instability. If you shut the doors to Europe completely what will happen is, that countries like turkey have to take in huge numbers until they start to experience issues and let them through or see the potential to blackmail europeans with the prospect of doing so.

    Unless you fix these core problems you will not fix the migration crisis. Most of the people coming here already risk their lives and leave everything behind. I can’t imagine even being threatened to be shot at the european border will discourage most of them. After all that is also a threat they are well accustomed to in their home countries…

  10. _melancholymind_ on

    Migration? Yeah – they should greatly reduce it. There’s too much hybrid war going behind migration nowadays to just continue allowing it further. Climate Change wise – There are other states with greater contribution to it – e.g., China and I fail to see why Europe should take more people – As if we didn’t have the problem with the ones we took…

  11. I worry a lot more about the far right, threatening our democratic values and political stability with xenophobic boogieman fear mongering. And they’re legitimised by these Chamberlain-style centrist politicians, trying to remain relevant.