I found three little kittens at work. I don’t know if the mother is taking care of them. I’ve had a few kittens before, but this is the first time they’ve been this small. Usually one mother would have one kitten. They’re a few days old, they haven’t even opened their eyes. They’re lying by the tin shed and meowing. The mother is close by, but I don’t know if she’ll eat them or abandon them.

I assume that in the best case scenario only one will survive. Maybe I would leave them alone in the spring or summer, but the nights are getting colder and they might not survive it. I would prefer to give them away somewhere, but I don’t know where exactly to report it or where to call. I won’t take them myself because they are too young, they need to go to a specialist. They are in an industrial area of ​​a steel mill, and the mother is afraid of people and it will be hard to catch her, and besides, it is not known which cat is the mother. I can take them with me and take them somewhere, but I don’t know if to a regular shelter, some specialized shelter, a vet or somewhere else.

I can also leave them, move them to a warmer place, give them a box of cloths.


Posted by Hisune


  1. sigsauersandflowers on

    Schronisko to najgorsza opcja. Skontaktuj się z lokalnym TOZ, ogłoś się na kociej grupce (Koty i wszystko o nich, tę polecam najbardziej). A przede wszystkim idź do weterynarza, niech przebada zwierzaczki, i zaopiekuj się nimi, póki nie znajdą stałego domu.