Italy to present proposal for early review of EU combustion engine ban

Posted by Embire


  1. EU-countries should stop bitching about the ban and get their asses up and create affordable EVs.

    It’s not like combustion engines are ever going to have a comeback while you loose the automotive and battery market to China in real-time.

  2. The real problem is that ICE cars are becoming more and more expensive as well.

    So… We either abandon the EV race and are flooded by cheap ICE Chinese cars… Or we keep going EV while being flooded by cheaper Chinese BEVs.

    Tariffs and bans will only make everything worse.

    Still, one can argue that with the demografic collapse, there should be way less vehicles on the road, so the industry will face a downward trend regardless in the near future. Along with everything else.

  3. In the long term, ICE cars have no chance to survive. Electric engines are simpler, cheaper, far more reliable, easier to build and upkeep. There is a reason why trolleybuses can survive for decades, whereas regular buses rarely survive more than 10 years.

    However, the big car producers don’t like electric cars because ICE cars have higher profit margins. ICEs are very complicated machines and that makes the barrier of entry very high. Everyone can make an electric motor.

    I feel they’re doing the Kodak maneuver: try to squeeze as much as possible from the current business before finally dying.

  4. The biggest problem by far is the power grid. Bigger cities already have schedules for each street on when they are allowed to charge and when it’s someone else’s turn because the power grid can’t handle it and won’t be able to handle it in the foreseeable future. On top of that, how is that going to work in apartment buildings that don’t have electricity outside because they are parking on streets?

    It’s understandable that we should transition, but it’s completely cutting out more than half of the people in Europe from using EVs.

  5. RevolutionaryRush717 on

    > EU-countries should stop bitching about the ban and get their asses up and create affordable EVs.

    Keyword being *affordable*.

    VW held it in its hands with the e-Golf. Cheap & reliable.

    But nooo, they had to invent an entirely new platform, that easily costs EUR 10.000 more at least.

    VW thought they could score on offering expensive EVs that *look* a bit like their greatest hits with the Buzz.

    What VW should do instead is to deliver new EVs that apply the same design that made them great: simply, reliable, cheap.