Melbourne use your car indicators

Posted by J_ObsElite


  1. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    Mate. It’s a zip lane. There’s one way for me to go. I aint going to Narnia, I’m merging. I aint using my indicator. Same goes for getting on the freeway.

  2. I just assumed they didn’t work on any car I have driven, cos everytime I use em, pricks speed up and close the gap to stop me merging.

  3. And if you use them to indicate you’re pulled over and stopped, use the LEFT indicator.

    Only use the right indicator if you’re looking to pull out and enter the traffic flow.

    One of the worst imported driving habits I’ve seen pop up as of late.

  4. Electrical_Alarm_290 on

    Make sure this PSA is seen by BMW* drivers in the east. They really need to turn them on.

    >!*BMW, get the joke? It’s everybody, in reality.!<