Japanese rapper Ryoff Karma slams Japan’s moe anime culture: “Even the 2D pedophile anime is getting arrogant these days…”




    >Rapper Ryoff Karma (41) updated his X (formerly Twitter) by the 24th (of September). He complained about the “moe anime” culture in Japan.

    >In a post on the 22nd (of September), he uploaded a photo of the platform of Chizu Kyuko Koishamagata Station (Chizu Town, Tottori Prefecture). The station is painted pink not only on the walls and roof, but also on the benches, fences, and trash cans, with a bright red heart and an illustration of Chizu Kyuko’s character “Erio Miyamoto” on the wall.

    >He responded to this photo with, “What is with this train station? How disgusting…”, which triggered a wave of controversy.

    >In response, Rofu reiterated, “There are certainly many excellent animes, but it’s painful that even two-dimensional pedophile anime is presenting itself as if it’s the face of Japan’s world-class culture, and it’s also really painful that regions where other industries have weakened are clinging to straws and doing pedophile business with the otakus”.

    >He further slammed, “In a place where the numbers of visitors are already declining, even if the otaku pigs temporarily flock to the place by saying things like “Instagram-friendly” and “sacred place”, it’s only gonna drive the general public away. It doesn’t matter whether you “worked hard” or not. Use your head more.”

  2. CommerceOnMars69 on

    Had a look at this guy’s insta and it’s 99% him (a 41 year old man) taking pictures with 18 year old gravure idols in their bikinis lol. Sounds like there’s some projecting going on here.