And I am going to pay off my mortgage with Monopoly money.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango


  1. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    Listening to Trump talk about crypto is hilarious.

    He clearly has no idea how it works and his answers reveal it clearly.

  2. There is a viable solution in using the Fed to dwindle our debt that has been at length by Paul Krugman. But this… this is insanity that shows he understands neither the budget or crypto, but especially that a crypto bro was the last person to talk to him

  3. Didn’t he already say that the US needs to mine all the crypto …. in the ground? Meaning we have to dig for it

  4. eatingpotatochips on

    >Is Donald Trump the dumbest president in American history or what?

    Yes. The only other president who is even remotely in the running is Andrew Johnson, who had no formal schooling. However, Johnson learned a trade, tailoring, which is more learning than Trump has ever done.

  5. Ok_Television9820 on

    I love that crypto is such a bad and obvious scam that even Trump had to be dragged into pushing it.

  6. The entire market cap of all Cryptocurrencies in existence is less than $3 trillion. So even if Trump’s “little piece of paper” somehow contained every single coin ever minted on every single cryptocurrency ever created AND he was somehow able to offload 100% of a currency’s supply without impacting its current market price, this man who calls himself a financial genius with a really smart brain still wouldn’t have paid off even 10% of the US National Debt.

    This is basically the equivalent of normal person telling the bank they plan to pay off their $500,000 mortgage using loose change found in their couch cushions and then bragging about what a genius businessman they are who really understands finance like no one else does.

    So yeah, he really is the dumbest president in American history but 47% of the country will still vote for him because somehow they’re even dumber and think it’d be just peachy if this idiot got to run America like one of his many failed businesses.

  7. So the debt goes away but the budget is still not balanced. That’s the best scenario he could come up with.

    Why doesn’t anyone ask that doofus how Clinton managed to balance the budget but he couldn’t?

  8. Just when you think this man couldn’t say anything more dumb than what he said the day before.

    I’m ready to wake up from this stupid nightmare.

  9. It’s his followers who are stupid if they believe what he says. Of course he says things to get elected, that’s called populism. He will never have to bear any consequences for lying to his voters, no second term in sight. He can promise literally anything and deliver nothing.

  10. Did he really say this and if so, what was the context? I would like to know before I share this with the Trump people I know.

  11. Crypto is just a tax for the stupid so I’m all for it.

    If he can figure out how to get people to invest trillions of dollars into what’s effectively a constantly expanding stock with no assets, a deregulated currency that would be regulated by the government in this case, that will be sold in mass constantly to settle the governments debts. Without selling government preference, land, or legal favor. Fucking go for it mate.

  12. This is a fantastic plan to collapse our economy. Just the threat from a candidate with a 50 / 50 chance of winning that he will void our national debt is enough to panic every bond holder and collapse the economy