Kyiv hits over 200 military targets in Russia using drones within a year


  1. I would love to know the estimated costs incurred by Russia for the financial losses due to these strikes

  2. Misleading headline. Everybody knows that Russia successfully intercepted those drones with oil refineries and ammo depots.

  3. One of the very grim benefits of supporting Ukraine in this war is that the US is basically getting to see how all the new modern-day combat technology actually plays out. Seeing cheap drones take the place of million dollar munitions pays off huge when you don’t have to be the one testing the stuff during a war. Every dollar we send to help Ukraine pays for itself many times over simply in tactical knowledge alone. Of course it would have been better if Putin would have just killed himself before starting this whole invasion. My point is that anyone against helping Ukraine is not only morally repugnant but also strategically stupid.

  4. ComprehensiveTone643 on

    Considering billions going into this which I personally support. But… only 200? In a full year..Â