What the hell? I was searching for graphics cards and now apparently Bunnings dropships them?



  1. Dr-PresidentDinosaur on

    It’s crazy that apparently no established business in Australia can survive without turning their website into amazon 2.0

  2. themandarincandidate on

    Yeah it’s not Bunnings drop shipping them, every other Australian site has a “marketplace” that the same old actual dropshippers create stores on and the big companies take a commission. It’s really crap and makes things difficult to find locally

  3. Independent_Buffalo7 on

    Same with retail such as rebel. Ordered a Belgium soccer jersey on their website, thing took a month and a half to arrive and turns out it was shipped and prepared by fanatics in the Netherlands. Obviously idiot that I am did not compare prices until I ordered

  4. Bunnings Marketplace has been a thing for a while, and it makes sense from a seller and consumer standpoint. Since Bunnings is the number 1. most trusted brand in Australia, consumers are more willing to buy a product through them. It’s a fairly rigorous process to get on there and you have to provide tons of details and information per item in order to be approved to sell and to list anything.

    You’d be surprised at the amount of business that is done through here relative to other selling platforms. Annoying, yes, for finding products you want to actually buy at Bunnings, but there’s a reason they’re doing it.

  5. This might explain why my no mow grass seems to be dying…

    I’ve accidentally planted an RTX 4060ti


    Oh soz, I meant WESFARMERMART

    I really don’t understand why anyone buys anything there…

  7. I noticed that yesterday actually. Thought it was a bit strange. Looked like the pricing was higher than your general pc store

  8. SapereAudeAdAbsurdum on

    Yeah the other day I was repairing my fence, and luckily Bunnings had just the right graphics card for the job. It’s an expensive hammer, but I can’t fault the little fans for keeping me cool in the sun.

  9. Kind-Contact3484 on

    Woolies, and just about every major player, has the same thing. I’ll stick to brick and mortar in the few places it actually exists. If I’m paying $600 for a graphics card, I’d rather pay an extra 20 to support an actual business that offers support.

  10. I remember when I was looking to buy a bicycle and to my joy Bunnings were selling them for cheaper than anywhere else I could find. The catch? Online only with a $300 shipping fee.

    I feel like it should be illegal to sell products that don’t have a free way of obtaining them once the purchase has been made. Click + collect etc. These marketplaces are a travesty and I’m so sick of thinking I’ve found a deal with a trusted brand, only to realise it’s a third party retailer I wouldn’t trust to purchase a napkin from, let alone something worth hundreds of $$

  11. Never understood these marketplaces, if you just go to a direct retailer like umart, or mwave, it’s at least $150-$200 cheaper. They assume people who would online shop don’t know of to google?

  12. I noticed the Woolworths marketplace has some products that Aldi sells, except the markup compared to buying it from Aldi is insane.

  13. $619 for a 4060 is a fucking travesty!

    For anybody who isn’t tech savvy – don’t buy PC hardware off Bunnings!

    And I thought the water filters were a rip off!

    Fuck I can’t even get over the fact they are charging that much for such a mediocre card.

  14. Last few months anything I’ve looked up online to buy the first result is Bunnings. It’s quite annoying really.