What happened to the woman from Genichesk, who advised the occupiers to put sunflower seeds in their pockets



  1. [google translation]

    >At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Svetlana from Genichesk won the admiration of millions of her compatriots thanks to her courageous resistance to the occupiers. For her steadfast position, the woman was persecuted by the Russians. The media learned what happened to the desperate Ukrainian.

    >There is probably no one in Ukraine who has not seen the video recorded during the first days of the occupation of Genichesk. In it, a local resident, Svetlana Pankova, fearlessly advised the Russian invaders to put sunflower seeds in their pockets, “so that they will sprout when they are killed here.”

    >What happened to Svetlana Pankova

    >Because of this courageous act, Svetlana Pankova came under close surveillance by Russian special services. In July 2023, the occupiers distributed a video showing how the woman was forced to apologize for her words on camera. A criminal case was opened against Svetlana under the article on “extremism”, and the occupiers were even going to send her to Russia for a show trial. It is known that this happened because of snitching by local collaborators.

    >However, as reported by the publication Rayon.Genichesk, Svetlana was able to escape from the occupation and is now safe.

    (Genichesk is occupied by Russia since 2022. It’s not likely to be liberated soon, as it’s way east on the land bridge to Crimea)

  2. ArthurDentarthurdent on

    Watching that video early in the occupation gave me chills. It was like she was possessed by one of the Fates, meeting the Russians at the moment of change and choice, the scene a thin place between natural and supernatural, and when he refused to listen, she invoked a curse and prophecy with the sunflower seeds, symbolic and powerful, it was like a modern piece of legend and mythology. And true to her words they have died by the thousands in their hubris, greed and malice.

  3. Wow!!! Just yesterday I was wondering what happened to “sunflower seed lady.” And now today I get an answer. Thank you so much for posting this.

    I was reading this and was so scared at first. But when I saw that she was okay, I was relieved.