Harris holds 7-point lead over Trump in Wisconsin poll



  1. It’s just one poll but the article does end with this:

    > In the Decision Desk HQ Wisconsin polling average, Harris leads Trump by 2.2 percentage points, 49.6 percent to 47.4 percent. She leads by 1.2 percentage points in both Michigan and Pennsylvania.

    Harris has a 2.2% lead based on 37 polls. Make it happen Wisconsin!

  2. Wow that’s a great poll for Harris.

    This is giving me throwbacks to this poll from October 2020 though: [Biden leads Trump by 17 points in Wisconsin in ABC News/Washington Post poll](https://www.wbay.com/2020/10/28/biden-leads-trump-by-17-points-in-wisconsin-in-abc-newswashington-post-poll/)

    And Biden ended up winning Wisconsin by only about 20,000 votes, a margin of 0.63%. I do think Harris is favored to win Wisconsin, but please, let’s not make 2024 as much of a polling miss as 2020.

  3. Sounds good, but remember that they don’t plan to win fairly. 

    Tuck this away and file it under “good to know” and act like we’re downbad and need to be constantly drumming up support. 

    If it’s even remotely close and it goes to the Supreme Court they’ll just give him the presidency, so we need a resounding win. We need a “landslide”, which in modern times means multiple redundant states ensuring we win and there’s no way a Florida or Georgia can be rat fucked to throw things in their favor.

  4. Mundane_Rabbit7751 on

    This pollster also only has her leading by 12 in Rhode Island. I don’t see how both of these things can be true.

  5. Leather-Map-8138 on

    “Our military leaders think you’re a disgrace and our allies laugh at your dangerous incompetence.”!

    After all the thousands of NDAs, this was the first time he’s ever been so publicly humiliated, being told what the best and brightest people truly think of him, and right to his face. Not about his playboy lifestyle, but about his role and importance in world affairs. Important only to be stopped, because he has nothing to add. Only to take for himself at great cost to others. He’s already a stain on our American legacy.

  6. In this poll it is really 8 percent as the race in WI does include RFK jr., Stein and West.

    The WI Supreme Court will rule on RFK jr.’s demand to be taken off the ballot but as the WI Supreme Court is 4-3 liberal they are highly unlikely to agree to last-second shenanigans and ballot-print delays. Many absentee ballots have already gone out with RFK Jr’s name on them, so look for him to be turned down.

  7. This is good news for the blue wall states, but don’t get complacent, and make sure you vote.

    Recent NYT/Sienna polls for AZ, GA, and NC did not look good for Harris. Unless the polls are systematically underestimating dem turnout, the election is currently forecasted to be closer than either of the last two.

  8. Are these poll numbers true? Regardless of what media source you follow, they’re ALL saying the same thing, which is this race couldn’t be any closer.

    It seems that as Harris’ lead grows, the more the media reminds everyone how close the race is?

  9. JadeSpeedster1718 on

    Wanna know something funny? Conservatives now are saying to vote early so Trump can win but we’re against it with Biden. XD

  10. Just a reminder to vote, people.

    Don’t forget that Wisconsin was the state that pushed Trump past 270 in 2016, and when more people voted, it went for Biden in 2020.

    Don’t get complacent, Wisconsinites, Vote!

  11. This is anecdotal, but I regularly drive four or five hours on a rural highway in Wisconsin, and the number of Harris signs and the marked decline in the number of Trump signs has me feeling hopeful. I more suspect that a lot of the Trump voters are just going to stay home.

  12. Also vote “no” on the WI election referendum. GOP at it again with trying to fuck over voters. Now they are trying to prevent college students from voting based on “residency”.

  13. Also vote “no” on the WI election referendum. GOP at it again with trying to fuck over voters. Now they are trying to prevent college students from voting based on “residency”.

  14. We need to stop posting hypothetical leads. That’s what makes people stay home thinking it’s in the bag and that’s what happened in 2016.

  15. I still see lots of trump signs when driving through rural towns.   But I’m seeing a little bit more harris signs than previous years.  Gives me a little hope.

  16. highinthemountains on

    Remember that the only polls that matter are the ones that have ballot boxes at them. Register and check your registration at vote.gov Vote on Roevember 5th

  17. mistertickertape on

    Wisconsin, Pennsylvania , Michigan, and North Carolina. Harris is starting to look very good in all four. Arizona and Nevada are still uncertain. Georgia is also still uncertain. If I were on team trump, I’d be getting worried they have a lot of ways to keep fucking this up with not a lot of time left. All Harris has to do is keep doing what her and Walz have been doing.