Malaysian police rescue 187 more children as sex abuse probe of Islamic group deepens


  1. Apprehensive_Sleep_4 on

    That’s disgusting and horrible hoping those disgusting pedophiles and abusers will be arrested and sent to prison for life.

  2. The-Jesus_Christ on

    As an Aussie, I was in Penang back in 2017 visiting some friends. I love Penang. Great food, very relaxed. I was heading to the market area for dinner and this guy came up to me asking “Do you like sex?” I ignored him and he goes “Do you like girls? Guys?” I kept walking. “Kids?”. I stopped and he thought it was because I was curious “I have kids if you like”. My fists clenched up and I was furious at that point. I told him to go away now or there was going to be massive problems. He did leave but I was so angry and upset. I went to the police down the road and reported what had just happened. They went to go look for him but I’m not sure if they did find him after that or not. I completely ruined my holiday. I messaged my wife who was back home in Australia, what had happened and that I didn’t want to be here anymore and wanted to go back home. I told her I was afraid of what I was going to do and what could have happened to me. I was that disgusted. I was an emotional wreck. It was upsetting for me to know that was happening. I haven’t been back since.

    I’m glad to see something is being done about this problem.

  3. Global Ikhwan Services and Business (GISB Holdings) seems like a cult.

    Based on the info so far it definitely seems that the children are better off with the state. Hopefully Malaysia will be able to help them.