FBI confirms US murders declined in 2023, contrary to Republican claims



  1. That can’t be true!!!! Donald and JD have said you can’t walk across street without being: shot, stabbed, beat up and raped (might be more but I left early) Hope you really wanted that bread!🤡

  2. I suspect the majority of conservatives view the country, particularly the urban part, as a much meaner and dangerous place than it really is. Their media and politicians count on that when they sell their ideas that the urban centers of America are lawless hellholes.

  3. But of course the red hatter cult will just claim that the FBI is lying. Something, something, deep state lizard people.

  4. OverlyComplexPants on

    That’s great news from the FBI!

    So, any word yet from the liberals and progressives and THEIR continuing claims that the US is a nightmarish hellscape of unprecedented levels of gun violence and the only thing that can stem the current tsunami of blood in the streets from all the gun violence is tougher guns laws?

    Seems like it would be kind of a hard sell for Democrats to push BOTH the narrative that murder and violent crime are at historically low levels on Biden’s watch AND the narrative that gun violence is out of control like never before and the only thing that can stop it is tougher guns laws and banning things.

    So which is it? Because it can’t be both of those at the same time.

  5. East-Bluejay6891 on

    According to Trump the FBI are frauds and liars lol

    What’s funny is that you don’t need the FBI to point this out. You can do the math for yourself lol

  6. Environmental_Tank_4 on

    This has been accessible knowledge for quite some time now to anyone who was willing to do a surface level fact check of Trumps claims

  7. Realistic-Treacle-65 on

    If they like to keep talking shit about this country, maybe all the MAGAs should move to other country

  8. Republicans want murder numbers to actually be up so they can blame Harris and get Trump to win more votes.