Something Awful Must’ve Just Happened in the Trump Camp, Because Trump is LOSING IT on Social Media


  1. The only cheats being caught last time round were Republicans… I hardly remember any lefties being caught.

  2. ConsiderationFun7511 on

    This is the latest press briefing from his shitty site: BREAKING: The Kamala Harris/Joe Biden Department of Justice and FBI are mishandling and downplaying the second assassination attempt on my life since July. The charges brought against the maniac assassin are a slap on the wrist. It’s no wonder, since the DOJ and FBI have been coming after me nonstop with Weaponized Lawfare since I announced my first Historic Campaign for the Presidency.
    From Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Iran, Iran, Iran, Impeachment Hoax Number One, Impeachment Hoax Number Two, to the Lawless Documents Hoax brought after an Illegal and unConstitutional Raid of my home, on which I am suing the DOJ for their wrongful acts, to the January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., where the J6 Unselect Committee illegally deleted and destroyed all Documents, the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, illegally Spying on my Campaign, to censoring the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, which was criminally led by the fake 51 Intelligence Officials who lied and claimed it was “Russian Interference and Disinformation,” while the Laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden – Not Russia, and exposed Crooked Joe and his family for their decades of grift – and many lawless, Radical attacks against their Political Opponent, ME.
    The DOJ and FBI have a Conflict of Interest since they have been obsessed with “Getting Trump” for so long. It’s very difficult to trust the Biden/Harris DOJ/FBI to investigate the assassination attempts, due to Election Interference and the FAKE CASES brought against me, including their control over local D.A.s and A.G.s. Shockingly, after the bullet went through my ear on that fateful day in Butler, Pennsylvania, the FBI Director went before Congress and falsely said that it may not have been a bullet, “It was just glass or shrapnel” – a lie condemned by even my worst enemies. What he said was disgraceful, especially since it was witnessed LIVE by millions of people, and he was forced to immediately retract.
    If the DOJ and FBI cannot do their job honestly and without bias, and hold the aspiring assassin responsible to the full extent of the Law, Governor Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida have already agreed to take the lead on the investigation and prosecution. Florida charges would be much more serious than the ones the FBI has announced. The TRUTH would be followed, wherever it leads. OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT AND DISCREDITED, especially as it pertains to the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. LET FLORIDA HANDLE THE CASE!

  3. It feels like Trump is upset with Harris working at McDonald’s because he eats it every day and feels betrayed.

  4. essentially, he is falling apart because he isn’t getting the milage out of staged assignations he expected.

  5. Yelling that he will send anyone to prison that votes when they aren’t eligible is hilarious. Seeing as how he keeps saying that illegal immigrants are voting in the millions and he’s promised to have them deported. Which is it? Are they being kicked out, or are they going to prison?

    Plus, who the fuck would sneak into the country simply to cast an illegal ballot? If you sneak in to do damage to the US, why the fuck would you choose to cast a ballot? It actually makes more sense to say they came here to eat your pets, then they at least get something for their attempts to destroy our country from the inside.

  6. There’s actually a limit to how long people can live with faked fear. Eventually they get tired of “the sky is falling” and start to seek out a more positive vibe. Trump is realizing his shtick is not working anymore.

  7. BaphometsButthole on

    Sounds like paranoid schizophrenic word salad. Not exaggerating. People in the lockdown psych unit where I work talk like that.

  8. SuperstitiousPigeon5 on

    This article headline really could be a day old, a week old, or six months old. There’s no way to tell anymore.

  9. Look, I want Trump to lose and go to prison as much as anyone but these Political Flare stories are trash. Why post them?

  10. This again seems like this headline every couple days we all get it he is a pos but please find a new headline

  11. He’s winning in swing states. This is nowhere near over . Younger generations must turn out more than ever in swing states or he’s back in office

  12. He’s winning in swing states. This is nowhere near over . Younger generations must turn out more than ever in swing states or he’s back in office

  13. DJT stock is plunging so he’s mad. Much of his scribbling is done when DJT drops. 10 more days to $1